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Topics - Pollock+

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Donegal / "Strabin, County Donegal??"
« on: Thursday 20 July 17 19:02 BST (UK)  »
I have a birth record for a child born in Scotland in 1869 that lists the place of her parents' marriage as "Strabin, County Donegal. I understand that Strabane in County Tyrone was historically known as Straban and that it borders County Donegal.  In searching I  do not find a Strabin (with an "i".) This leads me to think that couple most likely was referring to Strabane. But since it also says "County Donegal," I'm not sure. 

Would any part of Strabane have been considered at that time to be in County Donegal?  Is there another place called Strabin? Or is it just most likely that the Scottish record lists the incorrect county?


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