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Topics - dreahatch

Pages: [1]
Hello, family historians!
I am very new to genealogy, but anxious to get to work. My grandmother has worked extensively on this, but has reached a dead end and I'd love to help her out. What a wonder it would be to help her find these missing family.

My ancestor is named Mark Hopkin and resided in Sheffield, England in the 1800's.
There seems to be no trace of his parents. My grandma explained that he had been arrested when he was 18 and that she believed (or had record of some sort - that part is fuzzy) that his parents had disowned him at this point. She speculated that he could have changed his name after the family drama and that could by why we are having difficulty tracking his parents and siblings (if any) down.

I am wondering how an experienced genealogist would proceed with this information. I know it is a lot of speculation. I have access to Ancestry, but that hasn't lead us anywhere.

Thank you so much.

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