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Topics - Brendaedna

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Family History Beginners Board / Adoption 1921
« on: Friday 19 April 24 18:08 BST (UK)  »
I know my mother’s birth surname and her adopted surname and date she was born in 1921. Her birth certificate states her original surname and adopted surname … her first name and middle name remains as registered. From birth records her mother’s maiden name is the same as my mums. So she was an unmarried mother at the time of my mums birth. No name for father. On one of the Birth Records there is a symbol at the side of her name denoting that she was adopted. I think that’s unusual in the year 1921….would there be any further records regarding this symbol?  Also could it be a sign that maybe she was officially adopted when this became Law in 1926? She was just a few days old when she was adopted and was born in St Luke’s Hospital in Bradford. Then taken to St Bernardo’s just up the road. Can anyone give me any guidance of how to trace her roots?  Thank you.

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