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Topics - ktk8

Pages: [1] 2
Technical Help / British Newspaper Archive downloads
« on: Saturday 18 January 25 20:04 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, Just wondered if anyone has any suggestions of how to download single articles from the BNA?Screenshots don't give a good enough resolution. I don't like getting lumbered with a whole page for the download, particularly as my current pdf program doesn't allow editing.

Many thanks!

Hi, I would be grateful if anyone could identify what it says on this Norfolk marriage licence from 1710, after "Chirurgeon"

Many thanks!

England / Marriage registration
« on: Sunday 23 January 22 22:35 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, I am failing to find a marriage for my relatives in Deptford, Kent, which I would expect to find around 1841-1845.

I'm wondering when it became a legal obligation to register a marriage, and if marriages after 1837 were still taking place e.g. in non-conformist chapels without official registration?


Wiltshire / St Paul's Road, Salisbury
« on: Thursday 12 July 18 00:51 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I'm hoping someone here may know more about St Paul's Road in Fisherton Anger, or know where I might find more information.

I am looking at a birth certificate from 1895 which gives the mother's address as 2 Pleasant Terrace, St Paul's Road, Salisbury. The birth in question is rather mysterious, as the mother was not local, and I'm hoping it may hold some clues to a secret liaison!

There seem to be only a small number of properties in St Paul's Road on the 1891 census, and rather more by 1901, so I presume there was a lot of building work there in the interim. Many of the houses on the 1901 census have fancy names, but I can't find reference to a Pleasant Terrace.

I wonder if anyone here might have some inside knowledge of properties on this road, or know where I can find further information, in the hope of discovering which property 2 Pleasant Terraces became by 1901.

Does anyone know if there any electoral registers for this area available, and if so, how I might access them?

Many thanks :)

Australia / Tasmania, Convict Pardons and Tickets of Leave, 1834-1859
« on: Monday 29 August 16 00:05 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I can see there is a William Walden on the New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia, Convict Pardons and Tickets of Leave, 1834-1859, on Ancestry's records, and I wondered if these records were also available on another source? If so, I would be grateful if someone could look this record up for me please. William Walden, born abt. 1804, Chedworth, Gloucs. He was transported on a life sentence to Tasmania in 1837.

As far as I can put together, William had a catalogue of convictions throughout his life, and I think he was transported AGAIN in 1851, for a seven year term, this time to Western Australia, on the 'Marion'. I have so far been unable to find any more details about this period, and would be very interested to find out when he might have returned home.

Many thanks :)

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / 1841 Census: Countries of Birth
« on: Monday 06 October 14 20:52 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I've been investigating my ancestor George Glennie, who was married in 1801 in Horsham, Sussex, and by 1841 living in Deptford, Kent.

The census translation has his country of birth as Ireland. I wonder if someone would be so kind as to see if they come to the same conclusion? I originally thought it was Scotland - swayed by the Aberdeenshire name of Glennie, and that the family is non-conformist. (HO107; 488; 4; 33; 11)

His son, George Andrew Glennie, was baptised in Deptford in 1816, but notes on his baptism record say he was born in Syracuse, Sicily, in 1810.

However, the 1841 census for George Andrew Glennie, appears to show his country of birth as Ireland.  Again, I'd be grateful for a 2nd pair of eyes.  Baptism record aside, it seems unlikely to me that he was born back in Ireland, after his father's journeys across countries. (HO107; 1051; 8; 31; 11)

Unfortunately, both Georges died in the 1840's, so I can find no further info.

By the by, if anyone has any idea of what (presumably) both George and his wife would have been up to in Syracuse at that time, I would be delighted to hear!

Many thanks :)

Occupation Interests / Ordination in the Congregationalist Church
« on: Wednesday 31 October 12 22:20 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, I have a couple of Gt Gt Uncles who were involved in the Congregationalist Church. One I know attended a Congregational College, was ordained, and went on to become a missionary with the LMS.

However, I'm wondering if my other Gt Gt Uncle was also ordained, and whether he would have had the title of Reverend. He is listed in Surman's index as being a Lay Pastor, between 1934 and 1948, at a couple of different churches. Does anyone know what kind of training, if any, he would have had to have to become a Lay Pastor, whether he would have been ordained, and whether he would have been called "Reverend"?

Many thanks!

Would love to know if anyone can give me an approximate date when this photo would've been taken, so that I might then be able to make a better guess at identifying the family. Many thanks!

(Restoration not needed)

Hi, could anyone help with deciphering this occupation from the 1841 England census, please? By 1851, he'd become a shoemaker.

Many thanks!

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