Hi, I've been investigating my ancestor George Glennie, who was married in 1801 in Horsham, Sussex, and by 1841 living in Deptford, Kent.
The census translation has his country of birth as Ireland. I wonder if someone would be so kind as to see if they come to the same conclusion? I originally thought it was Scotland - swayed by the Aberdeenshire name of Glennie, and that the family is non-conformist. (HO107; 488; 4; 33; 11)
His son, George Andrew Glennie, was baptised in Deptford in 1816, but notes on his baptism record say he was born in Syracuse, Sicily, in 1810.
However, the 1841 census for George Andrew Glennie, appears to show his country of birth as Ireland. Again, I'd be grateful for a 2nd pair of eyes. Baptism record aside, it seems unlikely to me that he was born back in Ireland, after his father's journeys across countries. (HO107; 1051; 8; 31; 11)
Unfortunately, both Georges died in the 1840's, so I can find no further info.
By the by, if anyone has any idea of what (presumably) both George and his wife would have been up to in Syracuse at that time, I would be delighted to hear!
Many thanks