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Messages - Istrice

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 34
Argyllshire / Re: Deserted Settlements of Glassary Parish
« on: Monday 13 January 25 22:13 GMT (UK)  »

The following plans (1790-1852) by George Buchanan show the Shirvane estate (or parts of it?) which appears to be in two separate parcels of land to the North and East, and South of Lochgilphead.  (

The Plan that appears to relate to Shirvan is (  This shows Ballimenach as the most westerly property on the Laigh Park area of the plan, but there is no reference to Shirvan at this date.

Castleton House is shown on the 1st ed. 1843 OS 6" map of the area, but by the time the 2nd ed. of the 6" map was revised in 1898 and published in 1899, Castleton House appears to have been renamed Shirvan.


If you Google "Shirvan Lochgilphead" a raft of information appears about the area.

The Roy Map of the Highlands (1747-1752) ( may provide a possible clue to the location you are looking for.  Longside Kirk is marked on the Roy map, and to the west of it he has noted an Eastertown, a Midtown, Yokieshill, and Inner(w)homry.  The last named exists on more recent maps as Inverquhomery.  In addition to this however, there are several small unnamed settlements shown, one of which may well be the Westerton you are looking for.


Orkney / Re: Isobill Langskeall
« on: Sunday 15 December 24 22:43 GMT (UK)  »
I don't know if you have tried the Bayanne site which has a number (59) of Langskail(l) family names recorded in both Orkney and Shetland (The North Isles), the earliest dating before 1750.
It may be a further source to examine.

Good luck

Sussex / Re: Trouble locating places
« on: Friday 18 October 24 13:18 BST (UK)  »
Don't know if this will assist in your search but the attached early1700's map shows a "Point House" to the east of Rye, opposite a spit of land on which Winchelsey Castle is marked.  This spit may be the elusive Camber Point.


According to information in the London Metropolitan Archives ( there appears to have been another pub "The Crown" at the stairs.  It is mentioned on an address on an insurance policy document dated July 7th 1781. (from the collection of the Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group).

The Insured was a "Robert Allsop, near the Crown, King James Stairs, Shadwell, shipwright"


The Common Room / Re: Where was St John's Workhouse, Bird St Wapping?
« on: Tuesday 20 August 24 23:19 BST (UK)  »
Bird Street was to the east of Wapping Basin, adjacent to the Recreation Ground marked on the attached  "Charles Booth's London" map.
Tench Street runs off to the east from the north end of Bird Street [see map (,180078)].

This site gives a fascinating first hand insight into a part of Victorian London.


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Is this word 'formerly'?
« on: Sunday 04 August 24 18:29 BST (UK)  »

I think that the word is "Signally" - used to put emphasis on the information or instructions that follow.


Dumfriesshire / Re: MI lookup parish of Dumfries
« on: Tuesday 04 June 24 19:18 BST (UK)  »
Try the Dumfries and Galloway Family History Society (  They may be able to assist.


Dumfriesshire / Re: MI lookup parish of Dumfries
« on: Tuesday 04 June 24 14:23 BST (UK)  »
ScotlandsPeople has a record of a Simon Halliday death/burial on 13/08/1684.

Parish No. 821,  Ref 60/102,  Dumfries.

Register with the wesite (free), and minimum cost for copy certificate


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