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Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Copper Arms Lockwood
« on: Friday 10 November 17 12:31 GMT (UK)  »

Take a look at the websites.  It shows quite clearly that the original workhouse stood off Nabcroft Lane where David Browns Gear Works now is.  However, the OS Map from 1888-1913 shows a much larger one on Barton Road at the back of what I know as St Lukes hospital.  When Barton Road became Blackmoorfoot Road I have no idea, but clearly it did.  The Craven Heifer mentioned by others is actually on Blackmoorfoot Road near the junction with Nabcroft Lane.  On Google Earth it is right by the bus stop. 

The Lighter Side / Re: Unusual First Names
« on: Saturday 11 March 17 18:24 GMT (UK)  »
I have an Abishai Wilde who had brothers Nicholas, Ignatious, Emmanuel and Zurishaddai along with a sister, Salomana.   One of Nicholas' offspring married a Bathia Leech (female).
Abishai had twin sons who he named William Ewart Gladstone and John Milton Granville

My sister went to school with both a Pearl Buttons and a Pearl Barley.

But my favourite:  Do you think it wise to call your son Orson, Mrs Carte?

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Manor Road, Golcar
« on: Friday 10 March 17 17:59 GMT (UK)  »
Has anybody found any entries in the Electoral Registers for those properties which lie at the north western end of Manor Road, ie numbers 82 - 90?  The ones at the southern end frequently appear, but only numbers 1 - 9 and 2 - 12.  They don't appear as extensions of either Ley Moor Road or Acre Top.   Have they been included as part of Town End?  They were definitely there in the 1880's and are still there now.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Treacle Delph, Golcar
« on: Friday 03 March 17 14:10 GMT (UK)  »
Finally!  Treacle Delph were the properties that used to be on the south west side of Upper Grand Stand.  I don't know when the original properties were demolished - they don't appear on the 1888-1913 Ordnance Survey map, but then neither does Parkin Square which most certainly was around at that time (and still there now).  I don't recall any habitable properties on that land in the late 1950's, just rubble, weeds, a few sheds and some hen runs.  Whether the rubble was what was left over from demolished properties or the last workings of some delving I couldn't say.  It was just an overgrown depression in the land.   Reference my earlier post about Oliver Haigh living there, it turns out I was wrong, he actually lived on High Street.  The name Treacle Delph has been retained in a (relatively) new build detached property whose Post Office address is number 15 Grand Stand.  But on Council Tax records is shown as 'Treacle Delph', 15 Grand Stand.

So there you have it!


Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Cherry Tree Inn, Golcar
« on: Monday 27 February 17 11:52 GMT (UK)  »
I recently found an item about the Cherry Tree in Golcar.  I was looking up a great great uncle who was licensee of the Walker's Arms (also in Golcar).  I didn't find him but I did find an entry about the Cherry Tree having their license revoked for repeated offences of selling alcohol after hours.  Sadly that was a couple of years ago and cannot remember which document it was in.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Fireworks from Lepton
« on: Monday 27 February 17 11:47 GMT (UK)  »
Lion Fireworks in Lepton were still a going concern up until the early sixties.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Churches in Huddersfield
« on: Monday 27 February 17 11:38 GMT (UK)  »
For many years after St Marks ceased to be used as a church, it was used by Huddersfield Sea Cadets.  Then 'The Church' put the rent up and they had to move out.  It was then used by an office furniture company who purchased ex-govt stuff, refurbished it and sold it on.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Iron foundry works Huddersfield
« on: Wednesday 15 February 17 15:10 GMT (UK)  »
Only just seen this post.  An engineering company called Cliffes at Longroyd Bridge had it's own foundry.  They were textile engineers in that if a part of your machine broke, you could take it to them and they would make a wooden pattern, cast a new piece and machine finish it.  They were still in business in 2000, but I think they are now defunct.  There was also another foundry at the bottom of Birkhouse Lane, just over the canal bridge on the Manchester Road side.  That one is long gone - poncy housing now - but they did similar stuff to Cliffes.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Treacle Delph, Golcar
« on: Thursday 06 November 14 16:39 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, I'm new to this site but came across the query for Treacle Delph when searching for something else.  I am originally from Golcar, having lived at Clay Well and Ley Moor Road.  My Mother's side of the family have lived in the area as far back as I can trace.  As some of my great aunts and uncles could only spoke in dialect I am well aware that the spelling and pronunciation of many places in Golcar are not what always what they might seem.  Sadly an awful lot of the local place names have long since disappeared through changes in both political and Church boundaries.  Whilst others have been subsumed through later developments using different names for the same area, the area by the Walker's Arms pub in, what is now known as Parkwood, used to be known as Ley Moor Gate.  So, Treacle Delph or, as it was pronounced, Trayckle Delf.  Where was it?  To my recollection a chap called Oliver Haigh lived there and it was a cluster of houses across the road from Scape Goat Hill Baptist Chapel burial grounds on the south side of Taylor Lane, and to the east of the top of Th'owd Loyn (Old Lane).  Whilst I believe Dunkirk was the smallholding further down Old Lane.  Taylor Lane did not originally go much further down towards Pike Law than the Old Band Room - reference: "Map of the Inclosure Act of Golcar, 1823".  So most foot traffic of the time cut down Th'owd Loyn to Swallow Lane, in fact, all the properties that can currently be seen on Taylor Lane on Google Earth to the east of the Band Room have been built within my lifetime.  I realise that memories are fallible and that I may have got the location wrong, but I hope to clarify it with one of my relatives in the next month or so.  I'll re-post when I find out.

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