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Messages - Sidney Lynn

Pages: [1]
Somerset / ROOD or ROODE family in Meare
« on: Thursday 12 July 07 00:59 BST (UK)  »
Hello.  I'd like to locate anyone who is a descendant of Robert Rood or Roode from Meare.  Acc to Meare records, Robert was born 06/26/1764 and died 09/18/1844.  He married Mary Rood on 04/06/1795 - who was probably the daughter of Thomas and Ann Rood.

Would love to hear from you.  Thanks.
Sidney   :)

Somerset Lookup Requests / William Rood or Roode family Pawlett 1700s
« on: Friday 04 August 06 17:16 BST (UK)  »
Hello.  The family of William and Ann Rood(e) lived in Pawlett in Somerset Co. in the mid-1700s.  They had many sons per parish records:  Thomas, Robert, John, Walter, etc.  Also a daughter Ann.  Are there any Roods or Roodes who have discovered you are related to this family?  Any information anybody has about this family?  If so, would love to hear from you.  Thanks.   :D                 Sid

Ayrshire / Re: Looking for MacJennett in Ayrshire
« on: Saturday 11 February 06 04:29 GMT (UK)  »
Hi folks,
Year-end got crazy and I didn't thank you for your assistance to my MacJennett question.  I need to get with my Dad to see if he knows when Robert migrated to Ireland, Canada, etc.  The MacJennett/MacJanet name does seem to be a bit rare.

Didn't know about the Scotland website either.  Thanks for your efforts on my behalf.  :D

Ayrshire / Looking for MacJennett in Ayrshire
« on: Thursday 15 December 05 05:54 GMT (UK)  »
Hi folks,
I've searched everywhere - LDS, Ancestry, etc., and can't even get started trying to find my ancestor.  I can't even find MacJennett or any spelling close to it in any clan listing  :-\ 

Our ancestor's name is Robert MacJennett.  Or a similar spelling.  Robert's family was from Ayrshire.  His first child, William, was born circa 1800.  So I'd guess that Robert would have been born about 1770-1780.

Are there birth records anywhere for Ayrshire in this time frame and, if so, could someone take a look?  I would really appreciate any help.  Thank you very much  :)  Sidney

Somerset Completed Lookup Requests / Re: 1841 lookup Somerset County (Meare) for ROOD
« on: Tuesday 06 December 05 17:28 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Alli and Susan.  This is a great forum.  You make a lot of people happy   :D

Happy Holidays.  Sidney

Somerset Completed Lookup Requests / Re: 1841 lookup Somerset County (Meare) for ROOD
« on: Thursday 01 December 05 03:46 GMT (UK)  »
I am absolutely delighted!  Thank you so much  ;D

I'm wondering...     do you know what month the 1841 census was taken?  Also, I've seen scattered references to earlier census, i.e. 1821.  Are there any earlier census for Meare at all?

I'm going to assume that "FS" and "MS" mean 'female servant' and 'male servant'.  Would you assume the same?

Thank you again for your help.  I really appreciate it.  Sidney

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: U.K Wills and Deeds Data Base, Lookup
« on: Wednesday 30 November 05 21:02 GMT (UK)  »
Hello.   I am looking for any information you may find for Rood (or Roode way back when) in Somerset County, Meare parish.  I don't need anything newer than 1899.  Thank you very much.  It is nice of you to offer.  ***  Actually, I believe that I can limit my needs for will or deed information to 1820 or before in Meare.   That will undoubtedly make your research easier. Thanks again.  Hope you have some luck!  Sid

Somerset Completed Lookup Requests / 1841 lookup Somerset County (Meare) for ROOD
« on: Wednesday 30 November 05 20:25 GMT (UK)  »
Hello.  I would be very grateful if someone could look at the 1841 census for Meare in Somerset for my ancestors.

1) Thomas Rood, born in Meare, would have been about 45 in 1841.  His wife, Ann, would have been about 40.  They have children, but that is where my sources conflict.  I know for sure of twins, Robert & Walter, who would be about 17 in 1841.  I'm hoping you can find this family and all of the children. 

2)  Also, Thomas's parents are Robert & Mary Rood.  I think one or both of them may still be alive in 1841.  Also in Meare.  Robert would be in his late 70s.  Do you see a Robert & Mary around? 

I would be thrilled if someone can find this information.  Thank you kindly.

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