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Messages - robertnoblet-stone

Pages: [1]
Perthshire / Re: Whitson Old Rattray & Parkhill
« on: Tuesday 13 October 20 22:31 BST (UK)  »
I believe Thomas Barnaby Whitson was a second cousin of the Parkhill Whitsons. The line of succession I have so far is:
1. Alexander Whitson
2. His nephew Alexander Whitson b1806 (through 1. Alexander's brother Thomas (writer in Perth)
3. His brother Thomas Hunter-Whitson d 1881
4. His nephew Capt. Charles Hill-Whitson b1840 d 1913 (built the present Parkhill Mansion after inheriting the Hill, the Whitson and a Drummond Estate).
5. His son Col. Thomas E. L. Hill-Whitson b1877 d1925
6. His daughter Aline M. N. Nunn-Whitson (inherited due to her brothers death being before her fathers and the disentailment of Parkhill stopping her cousin Torquil Hill-Whitson inheriting.

More family names available. They have a burial ground in Rattray church yard and a private burial ground and underground vault on the former estate which is now sealed shut.

Aline sold Parkhill Estate in the late 30s to Samuel Wallace Smedley, a large fruit and jam merchant. It was subsequently sold to the McIntosh Family, eventually being bought by my grandparents. Following my grandparents selling Parkhill, the house was ransacked with all of the marble and cast iron fireplaces, staircase and gallery, radiators and doors being ripped out. A family I'm in contact with has just began the immense task of restoring it back to a family home.

Perthshire / Re: Whitson Old Rattray & Parkhill
« on: Saturday 03 October 20 23:58 BST (UK)  »
Hello. I have a fair bit of information regarding the Whitson and Hill-Whitson family of Parkhill, Blairgowrie. My grandparents owned Parkhill in the 1980s so have a few pictures and quite abit of info regarding the house, family and former estate.


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