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Messages - ansti

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Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Could anyone help me with names?
« on: Saturday 28 August 21 22:37 BST (UK)  »
No. 4 could be Ignacia.
Thank u very much Karen.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Could anyone help me with names?
« on: Saturday 28 August 21 22:28 BST (UK)  »
Are they from the same document?  If so could you please put up a link to the document or more of the writing around the individual names.  Is this a marriage, birth or death corticate?

One (No3) of the names looks like Manuelo/Manuela?
Hello  shanreagh, thank you very much for your attention.

Manuelo makes a lot of sense! and it is a birth certificate of my great great granpa

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Could anyone help me with names?
« on: Saturday 28 August 21 20:53 BST (UK)  »
Hello, Could anyone help me with names? Thank you so much (they are spanish names).

-You must scroll the post to the side to see it completely-






And the 'B' looks like the 'B' in Bilbao.
Erato, I am with you on this now  ;) Villafranca del Bierzo it must be.


Thank you very much, my father knew that he had some ancestor in leon but he did not know where. It seems a beautiful town, very close to Galicia. My father is going to be very happy to discover it

veintún años  [21 years]

It looks like 'domiciliado en el segundo' to me.  But second what?

Don Angel Larúa and Doña Felipa Lissa
I don't see "segundo" at all, it looks like more syllables that that to me with a longtailing off of the final letter

Thank you very much, if it seems that some things will be impossible to decipher. And that taking into account the certificate is not that old (90 years), I don't know how they understood it in the past!!

The first paragraph is talking about the parents of a girl. I presume this is a baptismalrecord?

veinticinco anos (can't do a spanish squiggle over the N on this computer unfortunatley, please pretend it's there!) --- 25 years

veintiun anos -- should be ventinuno, I can't persuade myself of a final "o" -- but 21 years

I can't work out the profession, I'm tempted to see "mujer" (ie woman)! She's from Bilbao but living in ---- ?? - do you know which city this is from? Actually it says "living in the ---" so may not be a place name.

The second paragraph mentions the grandparents ("nieta" = granddaughter) Nogales is in central Spain (but you probably know that already), in the province of Extremadura. I can't work out the word following Nogales, but it's "(unknown word)  and of Dona Celia XXvassia". This is the paternal line. On the maternal line it's Don Angel Sarvia, and I'm not sure where he's from either. It looks like Villaparia del  XXX "Leon"  but I can't see any such name on the map. I think the final name is Dona Felizia Lina of Bilbao.

So there's a lot still missing but there's my starter for 10. I speak pretty fluent Spanish but the handwriting is foxing me rather than the language!
Thanks a lot. I had no idea about extremadura, in fact I thought he was Italian but it seems that it doesn't say anything about it. Thank you very very much

Here is the full document and with underlined keywords. Thank you guys and girls!

Anyway, in a while I will upload the entire document with this words underlined , thank you all very much.

Hi, thanks for the answers!
The photos appear larger than they really are, but if you click on them they decrease (I don't know why) and they look fully

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