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Messages - Dawn R

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Derry (Londonderry) / Re: Henrys of Derry County - Pre 1800
« on: Saturday 01 August 09 02:19 BST (UK)  »
I too have found the other John and Rachel Henry in Derry, but I don't believe them to be the parents of this particluar John Henry born in 1789 as by my information, Rachel McMillan was born in 1791, and they were not married until about 1816, and had 12 children of their own. (Incidentally, I think these are the John and Rachel referred to by Gortinanima's comments on 2 nov 2008). I have read some of the history of John Henry (1763-1854) in the book written by Heber Homer Henry in 1922, of which I am sure you are aware, and here it does mention that he first sailed to Philadelphia in 1788, but I guess it was possible he left his pregnant wife in Ireland, or even that the child was born in 1788 as 1789 is only an estimate of his birth based on his age at death in March 1875 (86 years old). This is why DNA tracking for Philip would be of interest, as it would also be a direct male line back to the Irish John Henry, and would establish if it is the right family. There are so many Johns, they can become quite confusing!

Derry (Londonderry) / Re: Henrys of Derry County - Pre 1800
« on: Sunday 26 July 09 08:59 BST (UK)  »
I have been researching a Henry family in Australia for a number of years, and I believe they are descendants of John and Rachel Henry's son John, who was left in Ireland when they migrated to America and he later migrated to Nova Scotia as an adult. As all contact seemed to be lost between them, it is difficult to ensure they are from the same family, however, in John's death registration in 1875 his birthplace was Ireland, 1789, and his parents were listed as John and Rachel. The Australian Henrys are descended from his grandson James Dickson Henry, who travelled widely and included Australia in his travels, before ultimately ending up in California after he left his wife and two of his children in Australia. As there were no registrations for any of their four children, however, we are relying on other resources to complete the family tree. What is of interest is your mention of DNA tracking, as my husband is Philip Henry, a direct male descendant of this line (we feel). Do you have any information as to how he could carry out a DNA test to verify he is indeed descended from the Derry Henrys? It would be of value to us to know if we are looking at the right family, and also to be able to show where that missing Canadian/Australian/American link went if there is a relationship.

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