Family History Beginners Board / Tebbutt family of Moulton & Holcot, Northamptonshire
« on: Saturday 04 October 14 22:09 BST (UK) »
Trying to trace the family of Tebbutt's living in Moulton and Holcot, Northamtonshire prior to late 1700's in particular Thomas Tebbutt born abt 1764. Did he marry Ann Rickett? Were his parents John and Ann? I have many of their descendants up to the present day. There are also many Tebbutt's in the Moulton Parish register from 1550 -onwards but with big gaps before and after Thomas Tebbutt mentioned earlier. I know the family branched out across Northamptonshire to Sudborough, Titchmarsh and Earls Barton but what of those in Moulton and Holcot - can you help?