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Messages - tanginitoo

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Lincolnshire / Re: COULSON - Stamford Area
« on: Friday 10 June 05 21:11 BST (UK)  »
Greetings fellow Coulson researcher,

It would seem that we may be related, as I have your George Coulson in my family tree, as he was married to my gr. gr. grandmother, Charlotte Atwater!

As far as I know, George was not, however, an ancestor of mine as Charlotte Atwater gave birth to an illegitimate child (also Charlotte Atwater and being my gr. grandmother) about 6 years before she married George Coulson, and although her daughter claimed in later life that her name was Charlotte Coulson, I believe she just took on the name, no doubt to cover up her illegitimacy.  She certainly married my gr. grandfather Charles Evans in the name
of Charlotte Coulson.

Like you, I have never been able to find any clues as to the parentage of George Coulson, and have only the later census pages to go by, which state he was born in Stamford.  Until recently I had an Aunt who, when she was alive, always
maintained that George Coulson came from Oakham in Rutland, which is not too far from Stamford.  Could there be a clue in this?

One of my puzzlements about the marriage of George Coulson
to Charlotte Atwater, is why it should have occured in Sheffield in Yorkshire.  I can understand George being there, as at the time of their marriage, according to his marriage certificate he was a policeman, and was no doubt transferred around the country, but how Charlotte happened to be up there when she had always lived in Surrey and Kent, I know not.

I am more than happy to share my on-line family tree with you if you would like to have a look at it.  Just let me know and I will happily send you the website address and password.

I am very interested to know how you are related to George
Coulson, so will await a reply from you with baited breath.

Happy hunting, Diana in Tropical Far North Queensland, Australia


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