Author Topic: Hopton Memories - c 1926+ two threads.  (Read 4438 times)

Offline Reyz

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Hopton Memories - c 1926+ two threads.
« on: Saturday 06 January 07 15:52 GMT (UK) »
I did some family history research for an old neighbour of mine.  He sent me some poems and notes he has written on his childhood memories in Hopton.  Though I have no connection with the area myself, I found them very interesting.  Last time we spoke I said others might find his memories interesting also and he said it was fine to pass them on.  So just in case anyone is interested  :)

H O P T O N  -  The Hopton I knew and loved as a boy by JHGB

I was born in Greyhound Lane between the 1st and 2nd World Wars.
FRISKES on Top Shop Corner, kept the NORFOLK HOUSE STORES.
The World was in turmoil and times were very hard.
Difficult to pay ones Rent each week or buy a lump of Lard.

Why am I writing this?
Well I thought it right for you to know, how happy Hopton people were at this time, with very little dough.
I feel I owe a very large debt to all those around me , then perhaps I can partly
repay by recalling those times again…

Hopton in my young days was a very exciting place to be.
People travelling in from Miles around, shopping for dinner and tea.
Nothing much you could not buy, but many lived in hope.
Money usually just enough for Porridge, Bread and Soup.

Most had wood fires for cooking, candles and lamps for light.
Pigeon or rabbit pie at treat if you had aimed your gun right..
Lots of families had one of three:  Gun, rabbit trap or snare  .
Watching out for Gamekeepers here, there and everywhere..

Hopton was so full of life, happenings each day on you could depend.
In Winter so many Sugar Beet Lorries passing through, you just could not comprehend..  Lorries off to London everyday, which milk from local Farms.

The Airship R101 flying overhead from PULHAM, made a funny sound.
Some of Muskers tiny Aircraft from RUSHFORD were also seen in the Sky.
Not too many people round in those days who knew how to fly.
One day also at this time, a red airplane (Comet) flew overhead.. On flight
From Mildenhall to Australia to set up a record, they said..

Old Soldiers from the 1st World War telling of their plight. Up on Top Shop
Corner, many there every night..
Some had an arm or leg missing which made them very hard.
When confronted by these men, you had to keep your guard..
One small word spoken out of place, meant a clip round the ear.
‘Go Home and tell your parents’ they would shout .. they knew you didn’t dare.

The so called ‘Bad Old Days’ seemed to linger a lot longer then.
Especially in the Summer when someone always set alight Hopton Fen..
Another fire in the Thirties, when stacks of Corn caught fire at Hopton Farm
Fire-fighters from miles around, saved the stock, house and farm ..

Also at this time the biggest annual event in the village was at Whitsun:
Hopton Sports & Fair.  It was held on ‘Greyhound Meadow, Bury Road’.
Rhubarb Fair was usually there.  People came from far around, even Cambridge, to compete in events of Track..
Boxing Booths  Billed GINGER SADD from Norwich.  He’d soon put you on your back


Essex  :  Lodge Wheal
London UK : Bird Bogg (Lightermen) Brittle, Chamberlane. Perry Spencer.
Forest of Dean Gloucestershire  :  Smith.
Herefordshire : Hope  Price  Protheroe
Somerset  :  Hughes  Lippiatt
South Wales UK :  Blaenavon and Brynmawr -  Hughes Smith
Merthyr Tydfil : Hope  Lloyd  Long Protheroe 
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Offline Reyz

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Re: Hopton Memories - c 1926+ part 2
« Reply #1 on: Saturday 06 January 07 15:53 GMT (UK) »
continued from part 1
Guy Fawkes Night known as ‘Poachers Night’ was usually one big din. Celebrated with few fireworks  and mostly carbide and treacle tin.
Bonfires were  prominent everywhere and smoke would fill the air  ..
Children holding sparklers, in charge some lovely old Dear..

HAWKNEY GILES kept birds of Prey and would buy a sparrow now and then.
They had to be fresh out of wire cage, mouse trap or a pen.

Hopton once had three Butcher Shops and three Baker shops too.  Grocery and Sweet shops, totalling four/five Pubs for the Brew.
Garages there were two and two builders with yards as well.
CHARLIE GOODER had the fish shop in those days there were two. And one the sell bike shop, Blacksmiths, Bookmaker, chimney Sweep, Coach Station, Fire station and the Crew.
Dentist, Doctor, Post Office, Police Station, Shoe mender and Lawyer to tell you what to do.

Two things Hopton never had was a Cinema or a Park.
Although there was a Mole Catcher, his name PROGETT CLARK

Young lads spent their School Holidays fishing or in the Harvest Fields.
Chasing rabbits in the corn stubble, many whose fates they sealed ..
Teenage lads would go down to Hopton Bridge looking for a fight.
For GARBOLDISHAM  lads it was out of bounds, others it was alright.
Lots of fracas took place and many bricks and stones were thrown.
Most confrontations at the Bridge took place on a Sunday afternoon.
Other lads went down SHROGROVE LANE for Pitch and Toss or Brag
Many stood round arguing, chattering or smoking a fag…

Some Hopton folk also went round to Red Arch for swimming or a picnic.
You could get an ice-cream there and met the rest of click.
Whist Dances were very popular most held in Fern Villa Hall.  Which belonged to MRS THURLOW  (Aunt Duck) may God bless her soul..

Lightening Strike, bad maintenance whatever, it seemed a terrible shame. The Spire is now on the wall surround of Church, much lower than before.
Christened in the lovely Church, joined Sunday School and Choir.
Cast you eye on stained glass window facing East, doesn’t it inspire.

When you heard the tolling of the death bell across the village and beyond .. The Gravedigger knew he had another job for which he wasn’t fond.
Hard digging it was in the Cemetery and all the work done by hand.  No digger machine to loosen ground and chalk, some of the hardest in the Land.

CHARLIE PETCH ran the Bus Service to Thetford every Tuesday and Saturday night.   Shirley Temple, Al Jolson on at Cinema, also Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse setting things alight!
Tarzan and Jane were also on Film, swinging from tree to tree..
Johnnie Weissmuller very good but the monkeys we went to see.

Hopton School lost its Elm Trees under which we use to play.
We liked the trees for shade in Summer but the experts said ‘They’d had their day’.

Today Hopton is not the Village I once enjoyed as a boy.
Where once it always flooded, I am now told always dry.
How can it be the same Village, the one I used to know
Now it’s a lot more crowded and where strangers interflow
It’s for the best or worst, why dwell upon it more
Strangers or the ones you know, today you bolt your door

Bungalows, new houses and a new School have all sprung up where I use to play.
Planning permission put in for more, I was told the other day

With all these added extras mentioned above and the like
I still see myself riding down the High street on my old and trusted Bike 
I also see a hand wave and hear a shout ‘What are you up to Boy’?
Beet dropping off a lorry, a curtain moving, someone having a pry..

Hopton (like today) was a thriving Village up to the 2nd World War.
Then as you can imagine there were many changes, changes by galore.
British and foreign troops, Bren Carriers, Tanks, Guns and Barricades.
The Home Guard formed, blackouts enforced, and rationing running trades.

Essex  :  Lodge Wheal
London UK : Bird Bogg (Lightermen) Brittle, Chamberlane. Perry Spencer.
Forest of Dean Gloucestershire  :  Smith.
Herefordshire : Hope  Price  Protheroe
Somerset  :  Hughes  Lippiatt
South Wales UK :  Blaenavon and Brynmawr -  Hughes Smith
Merthyr Tydfil : Hope  Lloyd  Long Protheroe 
Census information is Crown Copyright from

Offline 2011Micromab

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Re: Hopton Memories - c 1926+ two threads.
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday 15 November 11 21:47 GMT (UK) »
Do you have any recollections of the old greyhound?  I was told it was a pub at some time...

Offline Paul Caswell

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Re: Hopton Memories - c 1926+ two threads.
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday 15 November 11 22:04 GMT (UK) »
Do you have any recollections of the old greyhound?  I was told it was a pub at some time...

I do! My family lived there for many years. What connection do you have with the Old Greyhound?

I remember Petches Coaches. They only closed down a few years ago.

Caswell - Durham(Jarrow), Northumberland(Berwick), Dorset(Netherbury)
Drury - Middlesex(Kensington), Shropshire(Oswestry/Selattyn)
Turner - Dorset(Parkstone)
Speight - Essex(Braintree), Kent(Gravesend), Westmorland(Kendal)
Stockley - Dorset(Corfe Castle)
Amey - Suffolk(Haverhill)
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Offline Reyz

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Re: Hopton Memories - c 1926+ two threads.
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday 15 November 11 22:12 GMT (UK) »
I will ask my friend what he remembers and get back to you.  Might take a week or so.
Essex  :  Lodge Wheal
London UK : Bird Bogg (Lightermen) Brittle, Chamberlane. Perry Spencer.
Forest of Dean Gloucestershire  :  Smith.
Herefordshire : Hope  Price  Protheroe
Somerset  :  Hughes  Lippiatt
South Wales UK :  Blaenavon and Brynmawr -  Hughes Smith
Merthyr Tydfil : Hope  Lloyd  Long Protheroe 
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Offline Paul Caswell

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Re: Hopton Memories - c 1926+ two threads.
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday 15 November 11 22:16 GMT (UK) »
Thank your neighbour for me Reyz. I had no idea the fen used to be set alight. I remember the sugar beet lorries very well.

Caswell - Durham(Jarrow), Northumberland(Berwick), Dorset(Netherbury)
Drury - Middlesex(Kensington), Shropshire(Oswestry/Selattyn)
Turner - Dorset(Parkstone)
Speight - Essex(Braintree), Kent(Gravesend), Westmorland(Kendal)
Stockley - Dorset(Corfe Castle)
Amey - Suffolk(Haverhill)
Cousins - Norfolk(Ketteringham)
Sears - Bedfordshire(Potton), Cambridgeshire(Gamlingay)
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Offline Reyz

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Re: Hopton Memories - c 1926+ two threads.
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday 15 November 11 22:23 GMT (UK) »
Hi again
I will have to write and ask as he is not on the Internet :)
Will be only too please to help I am sure
Essex  :  Lodge Wheal
London UK : Bird Bogg (Lightermen) Brittle, Chamberlane. Perry Spencer.
Forest of Dean Gloucestershire  :  Smith.
Herefordshire : Hope  Price  Protheroe
Somerset  :  Hughes  Lippiatt
South Wales UK :  Blaenavon and Brynmawr -  Hughes Smith
Merthyr Tydfil : Hope  Lloyd  Long Protheroe 
Census information is Crown Copyright from

Offline 2011Micromab

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Re: Hopton Memories - c 1926+ two threads.
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday 15 November 11 22:56 GMT (UK) »
Paul, we are living there now, let it from prior owners, very nice people. Wonderful place.  Been doing some research, haven't found much online but went to records office last week and looking around, found some references in old Suffolk directories.  When were you there?

Reyz, thanks so much.

Offline Paul Caswell

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Re: Hopton Memories - c 1926+ two threads.
« Reply #8 on: Tuesday 15 November 11 23:09 GMT (UK) »
Hi 2011Micromab,

Are you in the main house or the cottage? My parents owned the place starting in the early 1970s but then sold the main house and moved into the cottage. I always meant to dredge the well in the main house cellar but never got around to it.

Forgive me Reyz, I will stop polluting your thread and take this to PMs.

Caswell - Durham(Jarrow), Northumberland(Berwick), Dorset(Netherbury)
Drury - Middlesex(Kensington), Shropshire(Oswestry/Selattyn)
Turner - Dorset(Parkstone)
Speight - Essex(Braintree), Kent(Gravesend), Westmorland(Kendal)
Stockley - Dorset(Corfe Castle)
Amey - Suffolk(Haverhill)
Cousins - Norfolk(Ketteringham)
Sears - Bedfordshire(Potton), Cambridgeshire(Gamlingay)
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