« Reply #441 on: Saturday 11 February 23 15:29 GMT (UK) »
I have a Gertrude Georgeanna Wallaker, my 2xgreat gran. Born in Essex to an Oxfordshire mother and a father of part Suffolk ancestry, as was the case for many of my Essex people.
Her married name was Taylor. But her unique first name middle names made me easy to trace her after she married.
LONDON, Coombs, Roberts, Auber, Helsdon, Fradine, Morin, Goodacre
DORSET Coombs, Munday
NORFOLK Helsdon, Riches, Harbord, Budery
KENT Roberts, Goodacre
SUSSEX Walder, Boniface, Dinnage, Standen, Lee, Botten, Wickham, Jupp
SUFFOLK Titshall, Frost, Fairweather, Mayhew, Archer, Eade, Scarfe
DURHAM Stewart, Musgrave, Wilson, Forster
SCOTLAND Stewart in Selkirk
USA Musgrave, Saix
ESSEX Cornwell, Stock, Quilter, Lawrence, Whale, Clift
OXON Edgington, Smith, Inkpen, Snell, Batten, Brain