Hi Jean McGurn and GrahamH,
Many others are very puzzled also.
Including those of us RootsChatters who post in an attempt to try to contribute to a reasoned and constructive and helpful dialogue about the whole matter (especially about the
application of RootsChat policy - which is the precise issue which started this thread and which is of interest to all of us including, surely, GrahamH).
There's no doubt but that copyright is a minefield. And that RC is between a rock and a hard place. As I indicated in my now-deleted posts.
However my posts (and those of certain other thoughtful RootsChatters) are regularly and puzzlingly deleted. I won't be surprised if this post too is deleted - but I keep trying.
The puzzlement (puzzlement
not criticism - these are two very different matters) arises because lookup offers, and 'cut and paste' answers, occur - and have done so for years - on RC without any action having been taken.
Try checking out all the 'cut and paste' posts from the IGI. Or from FreeCEN. Or from FreeBMD. Or from the ScotlandsPeople Index. Check out offers and 'cut and paste' responses on (say) some Fife lookup threads e.g. Auchterderran School Records, and Fife pre-1855 Deaths CD, and FIfe MIs. Etc ..
Of course I haven't reported such instances (why not let RootsChatters get the benefit while they can courtesy of RC) though I'm told that others have done so. But, in the light of recent correspondence, the time seems to have come for these issues to be addressed as there really do seem to be major anomalies in how RootsChatters are treated.
Well, I hope that this post won't be deleted.
And I hope that a matter which puzzles so many RootsChatters will be addressed as seriously as it deserves and will be resolved.