Author Topic: William White Lighterman Port Chalmers and wife Anne nee McNeill  (Read 5657 times)

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Re: William White Lighterman Port Chalmers and wife Anne nee McNeill
« Reply #18 on: Sunday 13 September 09 05:01 BST (UK) »
I have received the info held by the Port Chalmers Museum. it has photocopies from registers of births and deaths. The  birth record of registration of Lilly and Agnes and record of registration of Anne's death.   They don't have a copy of the birth registration of William Junior, said it appears there is a book missing.   The Archives Office dealing with my request for William's bankruptcy have said within a few days they will send the Probate I requested.  Hope that includes the bankruptcy info I requested.  I get the feeling that Anne may have been literate so maybe she made a will.  When I get the cash together I'll apply to see if she had one and any other info which hopefully will include her birth details, i.e. where she came from rather than just Scotland.  The Museum cannot find any record of their marriage so suggest they were married prior to arriving in NZ.  So I guess it is back to searching passenger records AGAIN.  Wonder if they married in Dunedin rather than Port Chalmers, but then again they should show up on BMD records.  Bellbird

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Re: William White Lighterman Port Chalmers and wife Anne nee McNeill
« Reply #19 on: Thursday 24 September 09 05:24 BST (UK) »
Hi Bellbird,
Have just this month started research on my Bond links, typed in Andrew Bond and followed the link to you on RootsChat. Andrew Bond was my G-g-grandfather (my Grandfather being Hadley Bond). Don't know if I can be of any help to you but would like to get in contact.
Regards, Moneypenny

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Re: William White Lighterman Port Chalmers and wife Anne nee McNeill
« Reply #20 on: Friday 25 September 09 22:14 BST (UK) »
Morning Moneypenny.  Would love to get in contact with you re Andrew Bond.  I have got back to Andrews Dad but he is a problem in that I have a copy of his inquest from the Derby Mercury in 1830 but am unable to trace his burial.  One of the Historical Societies of Derby have looked into it for me and are unable to find find anything.  They say he would be in Alfreton Churchyard but it appears that the Minister forgot to write it in the Parish Records and consequently there is no record for it.  They have suggested two couples that may be his parents but I haven't had time to chase it up yet.  Would love to be able to go much further back,  but with them being miners mostly it would appear they could be difficult to trace as government records only go from 1837 and we're into the late 1700s and have to work from Parish Records.  IGI does give info but I'm reminded often by folk that you need to prove what you find on there as it is not always correct.  I found that with Andrew's Mum remarrying being recorded as her marrying two men on the same day.  There are two different spellings or interpretations of the same surname. :P   one or two others as well.  I presume when you say Hadley Bond is your grandfather, that he is my father's brother, if so I have met one of your Aunts a number of times when she has been down from Wellington.  She has done some family history but in the main it is the modern tree.  Another cousin of ours in Auckland has done alot through the IGI/Mormons in NZ.  However I don't think she is as far back as I am.  The other side of the Bond family (Hadley's Mum) is proving to be a problem as you'll have seen from the site you have sent your message from.  I am hoping to find  someone in the family who has a photograph of William and Anne and maybe even the children when young, also what happened to the children after both parents died within months of  one another,  LIly was about 1 year old and I've been told was looked after by a neighbour, she first appears in an Industrial School aged 13 and the others don't appear anywhere I can find. However I continue to ask questions and next on the  list is the Otago History MUseum (not it's correct name that has vanished from my injured brain but I know who I mean and the name will crop up) Early Settlers I think is the name.  Got some birth info from the Port Chalmers Museum, Lily and Agnes, but William Jnrs birth records seems to be in a book they have found is missing, if they find it they willl send the info on.  Will be pleased to hear from you.  BELLBIRD

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Re: William White Lighterman Port Chalmers and wife Anne nee McNeill
« Reply #21 on: Friday 25 September 09 22:39 BST (UK) »
Morning Lucy 2   Thanks for your suggestions re William I have now got the Bankruptcy records but they only talk about what he owed and his assets which were a few sticks of furniture and the clothing of himself and his children total ten pound about.  Real sad.  Debts included Anne's funeral fifteen pound.  His wages for the month 16 pound.  However he is literate as he signed a number of times on the bankruptcy papers and on one of the girls birth registration and Anne is literate too as she signed for other the girls birth registration.  Re Wises entry, 1870-71 shows William as being at Currie Street and 1871-72 as William White at Leith Street Dunedin.  The funeral notice/invitation to attend has "Captain"   White as living at Leith StreetI still can't get their births, marriage or arrival in NZ presumably at Port Chalmers as that was where he worked.  Wonder if the Port Companies brought specialised  workers like Lightermen into the country and whether there would be records of this somewhere.  Port Company or Early Settlers Museum maybe.  Well it is Saturday and I guess I should get on with all those jobs I can't get onto during the week. :P  Lyn

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Re: William White Lighterman Port Chalmers and wife Anne nee McNeill
« Reply #22 on: Tuesday 06 October 09 18:15 BST (UK) »
Hi Lucy 2 and others  I have been in contact with Hocken Records at Dunedin and though they couldn't help me with  the what happened to the children, their schooling etc they did tell me only one of the references to the 3 Williams White's that died in 1871 was from Dunedin so i have just applied for his probate (will etc) and asked if they have anything for Ann, which I will get if they do.  I still can't find her on their death records but have a copy of the entry in the Death Register at Port Chalmers.  I don't seem to have much success finding anything on their site.  Still no success in tracing their births, marriage or arrival in NZ.  Will try Early Settlers and Port Company to see if the latter in the early days brought in skilled labour and if they would have records of who and when they arrived.  Have seen one William White on Pladda but think he is the shoemaker who settled outside of Dunedin.  Was telling my younger son that his 2x great grandfather worked on the wharves, but instead of unloading the ships at the wharf like he does, William had to ferry the freight from ship in the harbour to shore.  Oh well hopefully BDM Archives have some info for me, it over 3 weeks last time. :P :P BELLBIRD

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Re: William White Lighterman Port Chalmers and wife Anne nee McNeill
« Reply #23 on: Tuesday 27 October 09 17:19 GMT (UK) »
Hi folks  at long last I have a printout of Williams death record and he is classified as a seaman, so the newspaper ad inviting folk to the funeral of Captain White was most likely a nickname he used.  So that is  sorted out, but still can't find their entry into NZ, their marriage or births in Scotland.  Nor what happened to the children after William's death.  The last reference I have found for them is in his Bankruptcy papers where the assets listed are a few sticks of household furniture and his and his children's clothing about 10 pound.  Am still trying to get hold of the Otago Early Settlers Museum to to see if they have any ideas about the children's whereabouts after his death and whether the then Port Company brought in skilled labour and if that is how he might have come in. Bit slow currently with being so tired handling the freight roll on 31 March when I can retire!!!!!!  Found it interesting when I applied to BDM  for the Williams printout, I'd mentioned I'd not been able to find Ann's entry on their site, I was asked for a copy of her death entry I'd obtained from Port Chalmers Museum.    Does anyone have any ideas about finding the childrens whereabouts after Williams death?   Wonder if they didn't have it???  Oh well 6.15am so must eat quickly and get to work.  BELLBIRD

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Re: William White Lighterman Port Chalmers and wife Anne nee McNeill
« Reply #24 on: Wednesday 25 November 09 05:21 GMT (UK) »
Hi Iam back still trying to sort out these two great grand parents.  I have a copy of Ann's death entry in Port Chalmers from the Port chalmers Museum and the two girls birth entries, ther book with the brother in is missing.  When I got William's printout from BDM I mentioned i had Ann's and they asked for a copy, maybe they didn't have it as i never found her on their records.  William's printout says he was a seaman  so no doubt the title Captain was a nickname or he called himself that when he moved into Leith Street, Dunedin.   He was the only William White to die in Dunedin in 1871.  I still haven't been able to trace their births or marriage in Scotland nor their entry into NZ   I haven't been able to trace what happened to the children after his death apart from Lily turning up in an Industrial School aged 13
as a new entry.  I haven't seen them on any orphanage records but may not have found them all.   Has anyone got any suggestions as to where I could look next.   BELLBIRD