Regarding the 1822 baptism in Waterford, some folks are misreading, by including material from a separate entry in the second column. There are two columns on this page!
I make the entry to be:
26. Bapt. Lillian Lumley, f. lig. Gulielmi Lumley et Maria Mauguire. Johani Lumley & Maria Ana Brown Sus.
J. Burke (Priest's signature)
That translates and expands to
26th [of November] Baptized Lillian Lumley, legitimate daughter of William Lumley and Mary Maguire [or McGuire, etc]. Godparents (literally "helpers") John Lumley and Mary Ann Brown.
J. Burke
Note that the mother's surname does not begin with a capital C. There are examples of C elsewhere on the page, and they are clearly different. It is an "M," as in several other examples.