A relative of mine. Edmund Fitzmaurice b1809 in Ardfert became an Excise Officer in1838. He was then posted to Waterford. After this I cannot find any trace of him.
When my GGGgrandfather Edward Glover married Edmunds daughter Eliza Ann Fitzmaurice in 1857 at Darleston near Wolverhampton, one of the witnesses was a Mary Fitzmaurice. This could have been a sister or mother. Eliza's father was on the certificate as an Excise Officer. Whether he was there at the wedding I do not know, he would of been about 46 years old by then.
Edward and Eliza had a son Edward Fitzmaurice Glover born 1867. E. F. Glover had 4 children, Clara b1890 Ireland, Eliza b1892 Ireland, Philip b1894 Clowne Derby and David b1896 Grimsby.
I cannot find out where the two girls were born in Ireland. Was it Ardfert( Edumds home). Or Waterford where Edmund was an Excise Officer.
Does anyone have any ideas where I can find info on them?
I would like to know if there are any records held in Ireland about Excise Officers