
Why don't you test your DNA?

Too expensive
47 (34.1%)
Too Technical
8 (5.8%)
I'm scared they'll clone me
3 (2.2%)
I've already done it
52 (37.7%)
Other (explain)
28 (20.3%)

Total Members Voted: 138

Author Topic: DNA Testing - Why Not  (Read 55746 times)

Offline nickgc

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DNA Testing - Why Not
« on: Friday 02 December 11 11:36 GMT (UK) »
Please answer this and leave a message.  I will try to answer some of the possible concerns, and will give my reasons for testing in the first response.

McLellan - Inverness
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Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there.   -Robert Heinlein

Offline nickgc

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Re: DNA Testing - Why Not
« Reply #1 on: Friday 02 December 11 11:43 GMT (UK) »
1) Autosomal DNA testing has come way down in price, and we really need people outside of the US to get this testing done.  Autosomal DNA tests ALL the genealogically important parts of your genome.  23andMe has tested over 100,000 people in just 3 or 4 years, and now that FTDNA has started offering it... price wars!  23andMe $99 and $9/month subscription for a year;  FTDNA $199 and no subscription.  Latter is a sale price through end of month.  They both use the same technology, so tests are compatible.  23andMe also gives you your Y (paternal) and mitochondrial (maternal) haplogroups which are important.

2)  Both the lead companies have excellent forums (fora?) where helpful individuals will aid you in whatever questions you have.  You can freely register with them and view what people have to say on the forums.  I did this for a month while I was making my decision.

3)  The genealogical important bits that are identified are only a tiny part of the complete human genome.   23andMe also does a health analysis based on real, technically proven science, for people who are eager to learn how to "enhance their lifestyles" (sorry, I'm cringing now) and perhaps increase their lifetimes.  They have also done som fairly important work in Parkinson's.  Your data is completely private.

4)  Good for you!  The more people that do this, the better it will be for all of us doing genealogy.  There are also "outside" projects that you can choose to share your data with that include such areas as Viking ancestry, Roma Ancestry, and a large number of others.  My results have strongly indicated that my staunchly Northern European ancestry as shown by a 350-400 year paper trail is 94.5% correct... but 5.5% may well be from an early Roma influence.  How exciting!

5)  It's late her so I am sure I've left out some possibilities.  I hope other DNA proponents will help me in answering any concerns. 


McLellan - Inverness
Greer - Renfrewshire
Manson - Aberdeen & Orkney
Simpson - Hereford, Devon, etc.
Flett - Orkney
Chisholm - Scotland
Wishart - Orkney
Shand - Aberdeen
Pirie - Aberdeen

Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there.   -Robert Heinlein

Online Elwyn Soutter

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Re: DNA Testing - Why Not
« Reply #2 on: Friday 02 December 11 11:46 GMT (UK) »
Personally I am not really interested in it.

Offline KGarrad

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Re: DNA Testing - Why Not
« Reply #3 on: Friday 02 December 11 11:48 GMT (UK) »
Simply not interested!

What would the results show me?
That a Brit is an amalgam of Celtic, Viking, Roman, European and other influences?

Think I can work that out for myself!
Garrad (Suffolk, Essex, Somerset), Crocker (Somerset), Vanstone (Devon, Jersey), Sims (Wiltshire), Bridger (Kent)

Offline Nick29

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Re: DNA Testing - Why Not
« Reply #4 on: Friday 02 December 11 12:02 GMT (UK) »
Well, I've treated myself to a test as a Christmas present.  I don't think it will tell me where my g.g. grandfather originated from, but nothing ventured.... 

One of the reasons that I went for it was because there is a huge name study on my particular surname.

I've ordered both Autosomal and Y-DNA tests.  All I have to do now is wait for them to arrive from the US. 
RIP 1949-10th January 2013

Best Wishes,  Nick.

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Offline nickgc

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Re: DNA Testing - Why Not
« Reply #5 on: Friday 02 December 11 12:20 GMT (UK) »

I just posted a long answer that was eaten by the ethernet monster.

Giving you links to 2nd to more distant cousins based upon comparisons of exact matches on specific chromosomes is the important result of these tests.   You could find a 4th or 5th cousin (say the descendant of your 5 or 6th grt grandfather's brother or sister) who has essential family information that will greatly expand your own genealogy.

Please go to the sites and browse the forums.

McLellan - Inverness
Greer - Renfrewshire
Manson - Aberdeen & Orkney
Simpson - Hereford, Devon, etc.
Flett - Orkney
Chisholm - Scotland
Wishart - Orkney
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Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there.   -Robert Heinlein

Offline nickgc

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Re: DNA Testing - Why Not
« Reply #6 on: Friday 02 December 11 12:25 GMT (UK) »
Glad to hear it Nick29.  I hope people who voted/posted before I finished my blurb at

will go back and read it.  It may be almost 4:30am here, but I forget it is a reasonable hour in the more civilized parts of the world.


McLellan - Inverness
Greer - Renfrewshire
Manson - Aberdeen & Orkney
Simpson - Hereford, Devon, etc.
Flett - Orkney
Chisholm - Scotland
Wishart - Orkney
Shand - Aberdeen
Pirie - Aberdeen

Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there.   -Robert Heinlein

Offline KGarrad

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Re: DNA Testing - Why Not
« Reply #7 on: Friday 02 December 11 12:26 GMT (UK) »

I only want PROVEN links, backed by documentary evidence, on my tree.
And I am really only interested in historical links - rather than trying to link to people alive today.

Sure, I'm sceptical ;D
Garrad (Suffolk, Essex, Somerset), Crocker (Somerset), Vanstone (Devon, Jersey), Sims (Wiltshire), Bridger (Kent)

Offline Nick29

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Re: DNA Testing - Why Not
« Reply #8 on: Friday 02 December 11 12:33 GMT (UK) »
I don't think DNA will ever replace documentary evidence, but it can be a very good tool for research.  I haven't been a great fan of DNA research in the past, but now that more people are using it as prices drop, the value of it will vastly increase.  It's a bit like fingerprints - they would not be of much use either, were it not for the millions that the police and other agencies now have on file.  My situation is that my g.g. grandfather appears in a small village in what is now Greater London sometime between 1810 and 1820, and I don't have a clue where the family came from.  Because I have a common surname, it's very hard to track down family movements.

RIP 1949-10th January 2013

Best Wishes,  Nick.

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