Hi! I'm a new girl. I've come to a full-stop and can't think where to try next.
I should be so grateful if anyone can get me kick started again.
My query concerns my husband's great grandfather, William Langham, born 1828 at Romford, Essex. William was a ships carpenter at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. I have details of his parents, his wife and five children but William himself seems to have disappeared at some time between 31st May 1867 (when he, personally, registered the birth of his fifth child) and 3rd April 1871 (Census day) when his wife calls herself a widow.
In the 1881 census, she refers to herself as separated.
There is no record of William's death in UK and I can find nothing to suggest that he emigrated although some of his siblings had already emigrated to Australia.
It may be significant that he had recently inherited some property, in Essex, from his mother.
There are, apparently, no surviving records of Royal Arsenal employees.
Ideas/suggestions anybody? PLEASE??