Author Topic: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?  (Read 65589 times)

Offline kaydeeceee

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Re: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?
« Reply #72 on: Saturday 02 March 24 23:47 GMT (UK) »
I got a copy of Thomas Pagane died 1689 will. Here is an AI transcription of page 2. Sorry I can't read secretary handwriting.
If anyone else wants to compare it and have a go, here is a link to the will.

Followeth ded lastd will and Legacie
At Glascow the fyften day of June 1689 yeirs This all day
Thomas Pagane mite ye being feble of bodie but sound in Judge
ment and understanding and Resolved to settle his wordlie affairs
does he heirby make his testament and Lastd will as followeth
Imprimis ne nommais makes and appoynts Johne Wallace
tad yeomen in Glasgow, James Wallace merchant ye and
Johne Grenle uter them his onlie executors sele and vniveefall
onromettors with his hail goods ger debts and sommes of money
Item be heirby nommats and appoynts the said thrie persones
his excts, To be tutors to marie david and Johne Paganes
his childrine Item his debts being payt he herby leaves in
Legacie To the said thrie executors and tutors Thrie fonmed
of ffourtie pound feeling equallie amongst them for the paie
in executing of the said offices of exeoerie and tutorie Labors
It is heirby providit That In caice It shae happine all
the childrine of the said Thomas Pagane Shall happen
To depart this Lyfe before Lawfull marriage or before they
attaine to the age of twentie and heirs complent which of them
shall first happine To occurre That then and in that caice
of the said hade childrines decease as said is exprestie and no bte
Crayes The said Thomas heirby Leaves in Legacie to the
persons ffeespect the sommes of money following viz in the first
To david and Anna Kirpatrick childrine to Johne Kirpa
trick in karmicie equallie betwixt them The somme of
Thirce Thousand meekled stots may Item to Johne Rodge,
Mexl, telea, and marion Pagans mbarbronghe mylne
equallie amongst them The somme of one Thousand.
mil ret mone aforsaid Item to Johne, Alexander helen
hoodie childrine Land to Thomas Elses and
Goddre in Closburne equallie amongst them The somme of
Two Choldfand mil Ros money forsaid And all no Tholl
sand mee lo moe is hemrby rrdaunt to be Lyfrented by the
fo Thomas Goldre himself during his Lystyne Item to marion
and Jonet mades daughters to Robert made in Wanfurd
inchore equallie amongst temn Taie fonme of ffive hundred
midles money forsaid Item to Thomas, Jonet and marrion
Pagans Childrine to Johnes Pagane in Closeburne equallie
amongst them The somme of Tine Thopsand onie bid not
forsd S ddso the siy Thomas Soe herby Give full pollid
and Commissione To the said Johne and James Mallaces and Johne
Srenle ext and tutors aforsaid To domnnishe or ang ment his
childrines portione at he shall find the mnselves necessite swas
to doe Providing awanes that any ateanne the sholl said them
felves necessitat to make shue be to the behwove of ane or ait
of the saids childrine and not vthe wayes In Artnes of her puss
Brattin be the said pusprente) are subect an day yeir & pa
forsd Refethes Cornessy Wm doig las, and Thomas Brill

Offline Boreades

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Re: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?
« Reply #73 on: Sunday 17 March 24 22:23 GMT (UK) »
I'm interested in this subject, not directly because of any Huguenots, but because it's not unusual to find the same name in Scotland/England and also across the North Sea in Flemish/Fresian/Dutch locations. From my wife's own family history, I've found her surname in Jersey/Guernsey, Isle of Wight, Cornwall and South Wales, all from a seafaring and trading background. I'm wondering if the same could be true here, regardless of whether folks were Huguenots or not?

Going off at a Huguenot tangent, and some irrelevant trivia, there's also a Huguenot connection to Sir Francis Drake. It's not the part taught in simple school history (Spanish Amarda), but it's Drake's backstory as a privateer with Huguenots in the West Indies, plus how he got the finance for his circumnavigation, landing at the Huguenot stronghold of La Rochelle before returning to Plymouth. Not that I'm a great fan of Sir Francis Drake, as what he did in Scotland is also not in simple school history.

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Re: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?
« Reply #74 on: Monday 18 March 24 02:18 GMT (UK) »
A corrected version of the page from Thomas Pagan's will.

Followes the  deids [= dead’s] Latter will and Legacie
At Glasgow the fyftein day of June 1689 yeirs The q[uhi]lk [= which] day
Thomas pagane me[rchan]d [= merchant] y[ai]r [= there] being sicke of bodie bot sound                                  
                                                                                                                    in Judge-
ment and vnderstanding and Resolved to settle his wordlie affairs
does heirby make his testament and Latter will as followes
Imprimis [ Latin for firstly] He nominats makes and constituts Johne Wallace
tayleor [= tailor] mer[chan]d in Glasgow, James Wallace merchand y[ai]r and
Johne Spreule w[ri]ter [= lawyer] ther His onlie exe[cuto]rs sole and vniversill
intromettors with his haill [= whole] goods geir [= gear] debts and soumes of money
Item he heirby nominats and appoynts the s[ai]ds thrie persones
his ex[ecuto]rs, To be tutors [= guardians in legal matters] to marie david and Johne                                  
his childrine Item his debts being payit [= paid] he heirby Leaves in
Legacie To the saids thrie executors and tutors The soume [= sum]
of ffourtie pound sterling equallie amongst them for ther pains
in executing of ther said offices of exe[cut]orie and tutorie Likeas [= likewise]
It is heirby providit That In caice [= case] It shall happine all
the childrine of the said Thomas pagane Shall happen
To depairt this Lyfe befor Lawfull mariage or before they
attaine to the age of tuentie ane [= one]  zeirs [= years] compleat which of them
shall first happine To occurr That then and in that caice
of the said haill [= whole/all] childrines decease as said is expreslie and no vther
ways [= not otherwise] The said Thomas heirby Leaves in Legacie to the
persons efterspe[cife]it [= afterspecified] the soumes of money following viz in the first
To david and Anna Kilpatricks childrine to Johne Kilpa
=trick in Barmuire equallie betuixt them The soume of
Thrie Thowsand merkes [ a merk = 13/4d] scots mo[n]ey Item to Johne Rodger,
Alex[ande]r, Helen, and marion Pagans in barbroughe mylne [= mill]
equallie amongst them The soume of ane Thowsand
merkes money forsaid Item to Johne, Alexander Helen
Elspeth and ----- [name left blank] Goldies childrine Lau[fu]ll to Thomas
Goldie in Closburne equallie amongst them The soume of
Two Thowsand merkes money forsaid and q[uhi]lk [= which] two Thow-
sand merkes mo[n]ey is heirby ordainit [= ordained] to be Lyfrented [= liferented] by the
s[ai]d Thomas Goldie himself during his Lyftyme Item to marion
and Jonet maders daughters to Robert mader in Wanfurd-
muir equallie amongst them The soume of ffive hundredth [= hundred]
merkes money forsaid Item to Thomas, Jonet and marrion
Pagans childrine to James Pagane in closeburne equallie
amongst them The soume of Thrie Thowsand merkes mo[ne]y
fors[ai]d As also the s[ai]d Thomas Does heirby Give full power
and commissione To the s[ai]ds Johne and James Wallaces and Johne
Spreule ex[ecuto]rs and tutors forsaids To diminishe or augment his s[ai]ds
childrines portione as they shall find themselves necessitat [= necessitated] swa [= so]
to doe [= do] Providing alwayes that any alterati(o)une they shall find them-
selves necessitat to make shall be to the behoove [= behoof] of ane or aith[e]r [= other]
of the s[ai]ds childrine and not vtherwayes [= otherwise] In witnes q[uhai]rof [= whereof]                
                                                          thir [= these] p[rese]nts [i.e this present document]
Writtin be [= by] the s[ai]d Jon Spreule & are sub[scrivi]t [= signed] att day yeir & plaic [= place]
fors[ai]d Before thir [= these] witnesses Wm dowglas [= Douglas], and Thomas Kirk mer[chan]ds travellors between Scotland and England  sic sub[scribe]t(u)r [= Latin for thus signed] Thomas                        Pagan William Dowglas witness Thomas Kirk witnes

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Re: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?
« Reply #75 on: Monday 18 March 24 19:27 GMT (UK) »
The previous page of Thomas Pagan's will.

The Testament testamentar [= a testament made by the deceased when they were still alive] and
                                                                                                 Inventare [= inventory] of the

goods geir [= gear] debts and soumes [= sums] of money Quhilkes [= which] p[er]teinit  [=
                                                                                                            pertained] and belongit

to umq[uhi]ll [= to the late/deceased] Thomas Pagane me[rchan]d [= merchant] in Glasgow The tyme
                                                                                                                                     of his
decease who deceast in the moneth [= month] of [left blank] Last bypast
ffaithfullie made and givin up be [= by] the defuncts [= deceased's] owine [= own] mouth In swa
                                                                                                                                     [= so]
far as concerns the nominatione of his exe[cut]ors, tutors [= legal guardians to underage children]
                                                                                                                       to his childrine,
and Legacies eftersp[ecif]eit [= afterspecified] And Pairt [= part] he made and givin up be [= by]

Johne and James Wallaces merchands in Glasgow, and Johne Spreule 

w[ri]ter [= lawyer] y[ai]r [= there] executors testamentars [= nominated by the deceased in their
                                                will] nominat be [= by] the defunct In swa far as [ = insofar as]
the upgiving of the Inventare of the defuncts goods & geir As the 
defuncts testament and Latterwill of the date underwr[itt]ine on itself [= in itself]
more fullie bears
Item the defunct had p[er]teining and belonging to him the tyme   

of his decease forsaid of Lyand [= lying/ready] money iiij c Lxxx lib [£480] Item the             

onsight and plenishishing [= furnishings and fittings] of his hous In vtencills and domicills [= in
                                                                                                    utensils and equipment] with

the abuilziements [= clothing] of his bodie estimat [= estimated] (By and attour [= over and
                                                                                            above] the airship [= heirship])
worth L lib [= £50]
Summa [= sum/total] of the Invent[are]     v c xxx lib [£530]
    To be dividit in two p[air]ts
    Deids pairt [= the part that the dead person can leave as he wishes] is     ij c Lxv lib [£265]

The sums of money are in £ Scots, which was worth a twelfth of the £ Sterling.

Offline kaydeeceee

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Re: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?
« Reply #76 on: Friday 22 March 24 13:21 GMT (UK) »
Thank You! That will was just gibberish to me. 

Offline Boreades

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Re: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?
« Reply #77 on: Friday 22 March 24 13:30 GMT (UK) »
^^^^   ;D

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Re: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?
« Reply #78 on: Sunday 24 March 24 23:24 GMT (UK) »
The final page of Thomas Pagan's will - part 1. [It is too long to post in one go, so I have divided it into two parts]

Wee (= we) Sir William ffleming of ferme (= Farme) and
Archibald ffleming fiar (= the person a property is vested in: his father will have the liferent) therof
                                                               commissars (= commissaries) of Glasgow Be (= by) the
tenor heirof Ratifie (= ratify) Approve and con-
firme this p[rese]nt testament test[ament]ar and Inventare In swa far as (= insofar as)
nothing omittit (= omitted) nor sett within And give and [           ]
And if neid beis (= need be) Because they have made faith (= made a declaration of good faith) as
use is and fund (= found) ca[utio]une as Law will As ane (= an) act made
theranent (= concerning that) beirs (= bears) att Glasgow the Tuentie fyft day of no[vembe]r
1689 yeirs.

The q[uhi]lk (= which) day In presence of Sir W[illia]m ffleming of ferme (= Farme) and
Archibald ffleming fiar therof commissars of Glasgow compeirit (= appeared)
personallie Johne and James Wallaces mer[chan]ds (= merchants) in Glasgow and
Johne Spreule w[ri]ter (= lawyer) y[ai]r (= there) executors testamentars nominat &
confirmit to the deceast Thomas Pagane mer[chan]d burges
of the said burghe Quho (= who) protestit (= protested) That q[uhai]rfor (= wherefor) goods geir
not as yet come or desperat (= which there is no hope of recovering) debt alreadie knowin (=
That it might be Leasum (= legally allowed) and Lau[fu]ll To Eik (= to make additions to the
                                                                       confirmed inventory and list of debts) To be
dewlie (= duly) confirm[e]d therwith Payand (= paying) therfor Q[uhi]lk (= which) protestatioune
The saids commissars hes (= has/have) admittit and or[d]anit (= ordained) In swa far (= insofar)
as Law will Q[uhai]rupon (= whereupon) the s[ai]d ex[ecuto]rs askit acts (= asked for an official
                                                                                                        record of it to be made)

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Re: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?
« Reply #79 on: Sunday 24 March 24 23:25 GMT (UK) »
The final page of Thomas Pagan's will - part 2.

The q[uhi]lk (= which) day In presence of Sir W[illia]m ffleming of ferm (= Farme)
and Archibald ffleming fiar therof commissars of Glasgow com-
peirit (= appeared) p[er]sonallie Johne mershell elder w[ri]ter in Glasgow pro[curato]r (= agent) for
                                                                                                                     the p[ar]ties obli-
gatour (= obligatory; legally binding) efternomin[a]t (= afternominated) And for them gave in the
                                                                                             bands (= bonds) of ca[ution]erie
underw[rit]ne (= written below) desiring the samen (= same) to be insert & reg[ist]rat (=
                                                                                                          registered) in the books
of the Commissariat of Glasgow to the effect therinspec[ifeit] (= therin-specified) Q[uhi]lk (= which)
saids commissars admittit off the q[uhi]lk (= which) band (= bond) of ca[uti]one the haill (= whole)
followes. Wee (= we) John Wallace tailyeor (= tailor) mer[chan]d (= merchant) in Glasgow
James Wallace mer[chan]d y[ai]r (= there), and Johne Spreule w[ri]ter y[ai]r (= there) ex[ecuto]rs
testamentars nominat and confirmit to umq[uhi]ll (= the late) Thomas Pa=
gane mer[chan]d y[ai]r (= there) heirby Binds and obleis (= obliges) us our airs (= heirs) and
con[junct]llie (= jointly) and se[ver]ally (= severally/individually) our airs (= heirs) and exe[cut]ors
                                                                           as cautioners hinc inde (= Latin for reciprocally)
for thes actes in the books of the commissariat of Glasgow
That the goods geir debts and soumes (= sums) of mo[n]ey givin up and
confirmit in the defunct (= deceased) Thomas Pagane his prin[cipa]ll (= principal = original)
testament shall be made furthcummand (= forthcoming) be (= by) us to all p[ar]ties
havand (= having) entres (= interest) therto as Law will And wee (= we) the s[ai]ds
ex[ecuto]rs fors[ai]d heirby Binds and obleis (= obliges) us and our fors[ai]ds (= foresaids i.e heirs
                                                                                                             and executors) To bear
equall burdine (= burden) with uthers (= others, i.e. one another) in the premisses and to releave
                                                                                             uy[e]rs (= others, i.e. one another)
theranent (= regarding the matter) pro rata (= Latin for in proportion) consenting thir (= these)
                                p[rese]nts (= this present document) be insert and reg[ist]rat (= registered)
Ad futuram rei memoriam (Latin for as a future reminder/record of the matter) and constituts (=
                                                 constitutes/appoints) Jon mershell (= John Marshall) w[ri]ter in
                                                 Glasgow pro[curato]r (= agent) In witnes q[uhai]rof (=  whereof)
thir (= these) p[rese]nts (= this present document) (Writtin be (= by) Johne Smyth w[ri]ter in
                                                                              Glasgow ar (= are) sub[scribed] (= signed)
as followes att Glasgow the Tuentie fyft  day of nov[emb]er 1689 yeirs
Befoir (= before) thir (= these) witnesses the s[ai]d Johne Smyth w[ri]ter heirof, and
James merschell servitor (= servant) to Quintine Reid w[ri]ter in Glasgow
sic su[scribi]t[ur] (Latin for thus signed) James Wallace Jo (= John) Spreule John Wallace
Ja (= James) Mershell witnes J (= John) Smyth Witnes

Throughout the page there are several fillers, squiggles to fill space. These have been omitted.