Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the above.
Please shellyesq can you give the details of the passenger list for Roy 1908. Ship, departure & arrival dates and ports. Can you tell whether he was accompanied by brother Arthur. A link that I could follow would suffice.
Here is the story as I deduce it from the above and other info. And its quite a story!
Roy born in Darjeeling, India as Amos, father William Jobbins, colonial civil servant, mother Jeanette Shepherd nee Hauser or Hanser. Father invalided back to Britain but dies at sea in 1896. However, mother Jeanette Jobbins marries James B. Scalé Oct. 1895 (before Jobbin dies - divorced?). Sometime before 1895 Jeanette and 2 boys must have traveled to England.
Roy (as Amos) and brother Arthur staying with James Scalé (as Scalé) in 1901 census. 1906 Arthur enrolled Clifton College as Arthur Pomeroy, mother Jeanette Pomeroy - leaves Clifton in 1907.
Roy sails to USA (presumably) using name Pomeroy same as his mother, uses name Roy Pomeroy thereafter.
Therefore sometime between 1901 and 1906, Jeanette and the 2 boys assume the name Pomeroy (possibly the name of an ancestor). Therefore the Pomeroy that I was originally looking for never existed!
If James B Scalé remarried, then presumably Jeanette divorced him before 1914.