Hi George,
It appears that I can't send you a personal message as I am a new member?
I assume this leaves you in the same position, ironic isn't it as I appear to have found, by chance, a long lost relative, Ha Ha!

I will feel a bit of a fool if you are not my Cousin, George.

Anyway George it looks like 3 posts are required before a personal message is allowed.
Hopefully this will count as my second. I do have a question however regarding the Lightbody's, Walter comes to mind from when I was a boy, was it Walter that I remember?
I remember going to a fantastic Halloween party with you and staying overnight, they lived out in the country, was that Bloomfield Rd, I always thought of it as a small farm?
I still remember it vividly though it was probably nearly 60 years ago.
Warmest Regards