found 1861/71 census
Can't find 1881 census
1891 census-Clapham/London has Caroline george -visiter aged 36 dressmaker with henry King unmarried,assistant baker aged 35.with children Florence 6,Charles 4, and Laura 3mths.
Have another 1891 census for Tiverton devon -Caroline King aged 52 ,sister to Martha Oxenham aged 60,says born Tiverton so this one probably a different Caroline.
1901 census-Wandsworth/London-now married- has Henry aged 40,Baker--Caroline aged 40 with children Florence 17,charles 14,Laura 12,mable 6,Rosie 4.
1911-census-unknown place -Henry aged 53 pastry cook, Caroline aged 53 with Mabel 16 and Rosey aged 13
So bit of hankipanki going on -illegitemate children maybe unless from previous relationship and lying about ages