Author Topic: Ironbridge PhD Study - Can you help?  (Read 1739 times)

Offline Kousa

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Ironbridge PhD Study - Can you help?
« on: Wednesday 08 June 16 21:44 BST (UK) »
I met a lady, at the Shropshire Family History Fair last weekend. She is doing research based at Ironbridge. She needs volunteers to interview and/or to complete a survey, If you or your family were touched in anyway (work family or other) by the World Heritage Site and you would like to take part, please read below and get in touch with her. I asked her permission to forward the details.
We hope to hear the results at a QFHS meeting in the future.
The details she sent are:- PhD is looking into different meanings people attach to their local heritage, I am using the Ironbridge Gorge as my case study. The outcome of this study will provide a better understanding of the complexity of values attached to the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site. The project also aims to address the potential gap between local understanding of a World Heritage Site and that of heritage governing administrating authorities at the national and international level.
I am currently looking for different communities who have interest in the heritage of the Ironbridge Gorge and would like to share their views on what this site means to them. This will enable to present variety of interests different communities have in relation to this heritage and include different meanings attached to this place. I would like to include different voices, not necessarily from the communities who live within the administrative boundaries of the heritage site but also communities who may live further away from this heritage but who have a personal association with the heritage of the Ironbridge (for example descendant communities).
I am in the process of identifying people who would be interested to contribute to this project. My deadline for collecting contributions is the end of September 2016.
By exploring the Ironbridge Gorge you we can trace the impact that the Quakers had in creating this unique landscape. Therefore, I would like to invite anyone who would be interested to contribute to this research from the Society of Friends and Quaker Family History Society
I would really appreciate if you could circulate information about the project within the channels you will find appropriate.
You can find more information at
I look forward to hearing from you.

Thompsons (of Rothwell and Ackworth Yorkshire); Binns, Spence, Dougill (all Quakers); Langley (of Yaxley and Stilton Huntingdonshire and Wentworth, Yorkshire); Coopers (of Eakring, Notts.); Cock(c)roft (of Lancs. and Yorkshire); Marshall (of Derbyshire); Alp and Mills (of Beccles Suffolk)