Author Topic: Mistakes on marriage certificate? Or lies?  (Read 2261 times)

Offline Chris Anderson

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Mistakes on marriage certificate? Or lies?
« on: Wednesday 06 September 17 19:35 BST (UK) »
Groom says he is 30 but I have him born in 1815

Also he is called Robert at the top of the certificate but Ralph at the bottom???

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Re: Mistakes on marriage certificate? Or lies?
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 06 September 17 19:57 BST (UK) »
The "lie" about the age could be to cover up the age difference between him and the bride.

Looks to me as if there has been a mistake with his name, as it looks more like Sayor as well rather than Taylor. Is he Robert or Ralph in later censuses?
Census information Crown Copyright, from

Offline avm228

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Re: Mistakes on marriage certificate? Or lies?
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday 06 September 17 19:58 BST (UK) »
Just linking to your related thread:

What is shown at the bottom is Ralph's signature - his own handwriting. 

What is shown above is the minister's entries as to bride and groom's details.  If the minister has the first name wrong, it is likely to be an error rather than a lie on the bridegroom's part - if he was going to lie about his name he would surely have carried the lie through to his signature.
Ayr: Barnes, Wylie
Caithness: MacGregor
Essex: Eldred (Pebmarsh)
Gloucs: Timbrell (Winchcomb)
Hants: Stares (Wickham)
Lincs: Maw, Jackson (Epworth, Belton)
London: Pierce
Suffolk: Markham (Framlingham)
Surrey: Gosling (Richmond)
Wilts: Matthews, Tarrant (Calne, Preshute)
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Offline Chris Anderson

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Re: Mistakes on marriage certificate? Or lies?
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday 06 September 17 22:00 BST (UK) »
Thanks guys

Why do these misspellings and confusing contradictions only seem to happen to me!!!

Offline Rosinish

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Re: Mistakes on marriage certificate? Or lies?
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday 06 September 17 22:27 BST (UK) »
Why do these misspellings and confusing contradictions only seem to happen to me!!!

I & Im sure 1000s of others would happens to us all but that's what makes it so enjoyable as it makes you put your thinking cap on  :D

South Uist, Inverness-shire, Scotland:- Bowie, Campbell, Cumming, Currie

Ireland:- Cullen, Flannigan (Derry), Donahoe/Donaghue (variants) (Cork), McCrate (Tipperary), Mellon, Tol(l)and (Donegal & Tyrone)

Newcastle-on-Tyne/Durham (Northumberland):- Harrison, Jude, Kemp, Lunn, Mellon, Robson, Stirling

Kettering, Northampton:- MacKinnon

Canada:- Callaghan, Cumming, MacPhee


Offline groom

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Re: Mistakes on marriage certificate? Or lies?
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday 06 September 17 22:38 BST (UK) »
Why do these misspellings and confusing contradictions only seem to happen to me!!!

I & Im sure 1000s of others would happens to us all but that's what makes it so enjoyable as it makes you put your thinking cap on  :D


I agree Annie. I'd take a guess that it has happened to all of us at one time or another. Took me ages to find my grandfather who had been transcribed as Welcome rather than Valentine.  ;D ;D
Census information Crown Copyright, from

Offline Rosinish

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Re: Mistakes on marriage certificate? Or lies?
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday 06 September 17 22:46 BST (UK) »

I have one written as 'Doorhouse' on the actual doc on Fancestry although her surname was Donohoe in a multitude of variations & I will never forget the day I found it because when I saw it my thought was 'surely no-one has that as a name, what's it really meant to be'  ???

Glad my curiosity paid off & I would urge anyone to look at it as I would really love for someone to tell me it's not 'Doorhouse'  ::)  ;D

You won't need any other details as it's the only one on there although I don't know what it's down as on BlindMyPast  :-\

Let me know if you get bored enough to check it out what your thoughts are  :P


South Uist, Inverness-shire, Scotland:- Bowie, Campbell, Cumming, Currie

Ireland:- Cullen, Flannigan (Derry), Donahoe/Donaghue (variants) (Cork), McCrate (Tipperary), Mellon, Tol(l)and (Donegal & Tyrone)

Newcastle-on-Tyne/Durham (Northumberland):- Harrison, Jude, Kemp, Lunn, Mellon, Robson, Stirling

Kettering, Northampton:- MacKinnon

Canada:- Callaghan, Cumming, MacPhee


Offline crisane

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Re: Mistakes on marriage certificate? Or lies?
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday 06 September 17 23:02 BST (UK) »
Looks like Doorhouse to me although if you want it to be Donohoe I suppose a case could be made. ;D
A male Doorhouse was married in 1986 in Keighley Yorkshire reg dist according to ancestry although there are none on FreeBMD.
FindMyPast has 2 Doorhouse on the 1939 register, both in Yorkshire plus the Keighley marriage and your Jane in 1871

Offline Rosinish

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Re: Mistakes on marriage certificate? Or lies?
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday 06 September 17 23:23 BST (UK) »
Thanks Crisane,

I actually wondered if I was swayed by the transcription i.e. blinded & couldn't see what I knew it should be.

I have always wondered if that was the actual doc at the time or if it had been transcribed later as the name is from Donohoe to Donoghue with goodness knows how many variations in between  ::)

South Uist, Inverness-shire, Scotland:- Bowie, Campbell, Cumming, Currie

Ireland:- Cullen, Flannigan (Derry), Donahoe/Donaghue (variants) (Cork), McCrate (Tipperary), Mellon, Tol(l)and (Donegal & Tyrone)

Newcastle-on-Tyne/Durham (Northumberland):- Harrison, Jude, Kemp, Lunn, Mellon, Robson, Stirling

Kettering, Northampton:- MacKinnon

Canada:- Callaghan, Cumming, MacPhee