Does this La Strada Historical society have a website? I can't find one. I was not aware that the Breens lived anywhere else but La Grange, Illinois, which is just outside of Chicago. I would love to talk more about the Lumley's too.
I haven't made this an auspicious intro - it is of course La Grange not La Strada (long story which I will explain later). You may already know of the La Grange Area Historical Society ....web address last year I made contact and they told me they had access to information about Francis and the family - stuff you may already have ? I no longer use Ancestry and have most of my stuff in word documents.
The long story.... is I am nearing completion of rationalising my filing system and in the intervening process had a hard drive failure. I then had to recover and piece together stuff from various discs and pen drives - as well as from paperwork. I have now sorted all the Lumley records out and hopefully I can now avoid such human errors. If you want me to share then it may be best I send word documents via my gmail - far too large to attach in rootsweb.
Attaching a photograph of the street where Francis and his parents lived (believed to be dated about 1890). They lived at 45 Main Street North, Wexford Town.