Good day. First time posting, so hope doing it correctly.
I am at a lose for my 4th Great Grandfather, John Silvester (Sylvester, Sylvestor, Silvestor).
I have a birth certificate for my 3rd Great Grandfather, John Charles Zebedee, born 1824 in Damerham, Wiltshire, England. On that John's mother is listed as Mary Zebedee (born in Cranbourne, Somerset, England). I know most things about Mary, except her death date and where she died. It's John Charles' father I'm at a lose for.
All I know is his name, again, John Silvester with all those possible spellings. He was born circa 1795 in Heathfield, Uckfield North, Sussex, England (though it shows as Surrey in a few documents). That's about the extent of what I know.
My Aunt, who had previously done research, received information that John Silvester was a dentist, married (no idea who to) and had an affair with Mary Zebedee, resulting in John Charles.
There is a list in the Bastardry Register for John Charles, which confirms the information on the Birth Certificate.
Anyone out there offer any suggestions? Or, anyone already know about John Silvester and can share their information with me?
Appreciate any help you can provide.
Bill Zebedee
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia