Author Topic: Guild of One-Name Studies webinars  (Read 1439 times)

Offline DevonCruwys

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Guild of One-Name Studies webinars
« on: Saturday 16 June 18 17:24 BST (UK) »
The Guild of One-Name Studies is hosting a series of free webinars. Registration is free and you do not need to be a Guild member to register. The recordings of the webinars will be available for seven days after the broadcast. After that they will only be available to members.

You can read about the rest of the webinar programme for this year here:

The next webinar in the series is coming up on Tuesday 19th June and is about preserving and publishing your research:

It should be of interest to all family historians regardless of whether or not you are doing a one-name study.
Researching: Ayshford, Berryman, Bodger, Boundy, Cruse, Cruwys, Dillon, Faithfull, Kennett, Keynes, Ratty, Tidbury, Trask, Westcott, Wiggins, Woolfenden.