Hi all,
I am currently in the process of doing my family tree with the hopes of finding more information about my great grandfathers.
Few questions to ask with some possible pointers if you would all be so kind...
It's highly fascinating for me as Arthur George Pope 8200 fought and died in WW1 for the British army and my other great grandfather fought and was wounded in WW1 for the German army. I have relatives on both sides of the war which I would love to know more about.
1) military information for both? Best places to look? I have found snippets on AG Pope but have nothing for Vinzent (Vincent Bombera) where could I find things about him? Not being fluent in German does not help..
2) how do I find out more about Bombera’s in Germany? It's a very rare name with no clear origin. Vinzent was born in Nakel? Which I think is now Poland but was Prussia? My grandad Bruno was born in Berlin and said his grandmother had a pub there? But have no idea of a name or maiden name or anything... of real interest to me would be my grandads siblings. He was one of 5 but didn't let a lot of information go to us. His oldest sibling may have died after being hit by a tram? His brother moved to poland, His sister stayed in Germany and his youngest sister (had a funny face which we believe to be down syndrome) and was reported to have died from pneumonia... a victim of experimentation perhaps?? So many questions regarding that side so any German expertise would be amazing even if it was just to put names to them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated