« Reply #19 on: Wednesday 08 March 23 17:20 GMT (UK) »
Oh wow, that is fantastic. Thank you!
Would you able to tell me if there are additional McCracken's listed?
Devon - Cockwill, Soper, Turner, Bennett, Kimp, Jones, Dicker, Luxton, Hutchings, Trimlett, Hammett, Stevens, Ebsary, Fraine, Pearen, Stidson, Heard, Charters
Cornwall - Nancollas
Cumberland - Earle, Warwick, Atkinson
Northumberland - Stephenson, Cobb, Rickaby
Wiltshire - Avery, Mills, Matthews
Lincoln - Green, Watson, Allison, Webster
Cheshire - Rigby, Stringer
Norfolk - Garrod, Flood, Hubbard, Vincent, Robinson
NE Scotland - Christie, Grant, Merson, McIntyre, Humphrey, Donald, Lawrence