« Reply #17 on: Monday 25 November 24 00:40 GMT (UK) »
This is sort of related to the topic.
I received a query through one of the family history sites re the person (intestatee?) asking for contact details for them as the enquirer (a niece) hadn't been able to get any response to letters and phone calls.
So, I had to inform them of her death. Sad, isn't it when members of families lose contact with each other.
PS No news.
Bateman, Baylis, Bellotti, Boag, Bower (Stillgebauer), Cattermole, Chester, Dullage, Felix, French, Fursse, Garrett, Gilbert, Harding, Haynes, Hazelwood, Plume, Putland, Rudge, Strickson, Vine, Warren, Whitehead, Whitehorn, Wiltshire, Youthed and many more