there is a weirdness in disposing (do the contracts specify how? burning , shredding, landfill etc.) of original records. isn't it likely the subjects in the will have descendants who would want them if they are to be destroyed?
1 If the electric power supply gets blackouts, are digtal Archives inaccessible? do they require internet access, and is that a second weakness, having no Internet signal? Reminds me of recent news that many houses relying on traditional home phones (landlines ) are having them stopped (cos use old copper parts). Forced to sign up for broadband landline but many dusciver it to be am unworkable replacement! eg no Internet access mean home phones won't function. Also many panic alarms that the infirm wear like a necklace, from care services, are incompatable with this replacement.
2. Patients despair if need their hospital records to check on their history of treatment of their life- long medical conditions, if they are told the hospital etc destroyed them due to a need to store current records. I woukd guess many people would've like to be warned beforehand and offered the opportunity to go and collect them. Having ones life's worth of health records seems incredibly necessary, to have a chance to live your best life!??
Sorry if this is a distraction frim the topic but it's related and relevant isn't it? please can someone tell me if it's not relevant enough?Peferably with sensitivity & tact, that many like me who were at school before computers were there, need (to cope with embarrassment for being ignorant and not able to find time to learn everything we want or need, with speed of tech development)