Hi I'm new to Rootschat. I've been doing my family tree on my late dads side he was born in Alloa Scotland. His parents were Robert Donaldson & Marion Corsar. I've managed to go back to my 4Th great grandparents Robert Donaldson & Jean/Jane Campbell they married on the 4-11-1798 in Clackmannan I've hit a brick wall as I can't find birth or death records for Robert. I have found their children's birth records Betty? B-1799 D-14-4-1801 , Margaret B-1801 D-19-5-1859 M- Alexander Gifford 26-10-1822, James B-14-1-1803 D-17-12-1877 M- Janet McGregor 22-11-1846, Katharine B-29-8-1805 D-14-6-1819, Henry Scotland B-10-7-1807 M-Katharine Kennedy 25-11-1832, John B-4-6-1809, Janet B-24-10-1811. If there is anyone on here who can help I would appreciate it. many thanks Kirsty