Uriahs father Edward is as follows
Born January 1, 1757 - New Garden, Guilford, North Carolina, American Colonies
Deceased January 16, 1837 - Marshall County, Alabama, USA, aged 80 years old
his father was the Reverend Benjamin Beeson - a Quaker Minister
Born January 14, 1714 - Randolph, NC
Deceased June 14, 1794 - Randolph, NC, aged 80 years old
https://gw.geneanet.org/celiawynn?lang=en&pz=stephen+jeffrey&nz=wynn&p=benjamin+sen+rev&n=beesonhis father was Richard Beeson - also a Quaker Minister and his father was Edward Beeson
Born February 24, 1650 - Stoke, Lancaster, England
Deceased October 20, 1712 - Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States of America, aged 62 years old