Author Topic: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024  (Read 2190 times)

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Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« Reply #45 on: Saturday 25 May 24 08:35 BST (UK) »
Thanks again folks,the different time zones - so more kind wishes !

The sun is “ cracking the flags “ — meaning it is so warm there is a danger the York stone paving flagstones might crack!
Not many real flagstones left now, composition ones or asphalt!

Washing in ,and soon on the line , I like “ pegging out” .
Fish to feed, greedy one is being naughty again,I have to isolate it for a day then it behaves but reverts to bullying again  ::)

Well I am now officially 87 ,about 200 physically but 8-10 in the head.

Cup of tea first though whilst I do my shopping list then escape with my trusty trolley before son “ helps” me!
He parks further away than the bus stop ,at Morrison’s ,but I shop mostly at Tesco which is very near the bus stop ,so I sneak out .
He works long hours on the computers, time zones etc so has a lie in at weekends .

I know there are many not well, tired and worried , but hopefully by comparison they may feel things are not so bad .
We are not in war zones are we.

Cheerio, many thanks again ,I am very touched by your kindness.

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Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« Reply #46 on: Saturday 25 May 24 10:13 BST (UK) »
Belated happy birthday Viktoria, 87 years young. Are you familiar with the poem which begins When I am old I will wear purple with a red hat …… :)
North East of England

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Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« Reply #47 on: Saturday 25 May 24 11:14 BST (UK) »
Many happy returns Viktoria.

I too may be growing old but I positively refuse to grow up.

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Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« Reply #48 on: Saturday 25 May 24 11:33 BST (UK) »
Yes Candleflame, it is funny ,sent it to my sister who refuses to grow old also.
She looks good at 90! However she  did have HRT .

.My Dr. said I was not a suitable candidate ,my sister stayed on for longer than the advised time, so I managed without ,the dreaded “ Change “ was nothing much ,but I know I was fortunate ,some of friends had a tough few years.

Washing out so off to shops.
A few clouds now so perhaps some of that wet stuff- what is it called ? OH YES—- RAIN!
So better shop and hope I am back before it teems down and washing all dripping.
Also before I change my mind re the new clothes ,never worn but now far  too big I have ready for the Charity shop.
Cheerio .Viktoria..

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Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« Reply #49 on: Saturday 25 May 24 16:51 BST (UK) »
Hope you enjoyed your special day, Viktoria. 

Just had one of those "Just hold this, will you?" episodes, where my husband decided to move all his built-in bookcases (and contents) while he stripped, damp-proofed, papered and painted his study walls.  The sitting-room is now full of piles of books and tools, as our cottage is quite small and there's nowhere else to put them.  As he possesses several thousand books (even though he has sold or given away more thousands recently), it has been quite a job.  My role was to "Just hold this", as the shelving threatened to sway to and fro.  There were times when he disappeared into the bowels of his shed, looking for various tools, leaving me hoping that the thing wouldn't collapse.  There were huge spider's webs behind it, but not as much damp as we had expected.  The previous owner had clearly had the wall replastered, lined, papered, then another layer of lining paper and a top paper, which had been painted over.

Fish & chips tonight, I think.  We're both exhausted. :o 
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Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« Reply #50 on: Saturday 25 May 24 18:07 BST (UK) »
Oh dear, my OH was not a handyman and knowing that would not even attempt any DIY.
The week before our wedding I asked him to put up a shelf in the kitchen of the house we had bought .
He came to Mum’s after several hours and said he had put the shelf up .
“ It was difficult, it would not stay up at first but is O.K as long as you don’t put any weight on it!”
He had nailed it to the wall.
I did all the DIY , but he was fair and washed up and brewed up etc so I hadn’t got it to do .
He once cut the toe off his shoe when sawing wood for me, but was left handed but right eye dominant ——- was a crack shot doing National Service but rubbish at practical things .

It was our family joke , his total incompetence.
Our sons can do all sorts of things ,not at all like their Dad.
We would have him back.

Lovely afternoon ,but I decided to sort out a bit of a muddle re two hosepipes joined so I can water the front garden and not take the hose through the house, go round the outside.
It leaks so needs disconnecting ,can I fathom out what I have done wrong.?———I was saturated , and still no idea what goes where.

Pizza and salad for tea and M/c United won the FA Cup Final !

Daughter sent an email naming her friends who remembered me from her schooldays ,they sent Birthday wishes and a customer ,a German chap,I chatted with at her BMW Franchise ,he remembers me because seemingly I asked was it he who bombed our chip shop?
I don’t remember that and he was far too young to be in the Luftwaffe or any other of the armed forces.But we did have a laugh I remember .
Well the oven to put on, table to set,salad to prepare etc etc etc ,is there no end to this slavery!
Cheerio .Viktoria.

Cheerio , hope it is a nice day tomorrow for everyone.

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Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« Reply #51 on: Saturday 25 May 24 22:02 BST (UK) »
Viktoria,  you never cease to amaze me with your stories.

 My son in law does no DIY at all , my daughter has been known to use a drill, luckily  they can afford to pay someone else to do the jobs.

During our married life my husband has done all sorts  and car maintenance when you could work on cars, he will do woodwork, he is not keen on painting  decorating or gardening.

Roll on full days of warmth and sunshine in Essex.


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Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« Reply #52 on: Saturday 25 May 24 23:49 BST (UK) »
Viktoria you are just what one needs to have a good laugh before retiring to bed!
 I have visions of you saturated in water… don’t catch a chill now… I did laugh
… also visions of the Germans chaps face when you asked if he’d bombed you chip shop!
We will all have to take a leaf out of your book on how to stay young I think as you’re always so busy.

Fortunately my OH is very practical and loves a challenge, always a question he got asked when school hols came up… what’s your project for the hols ( retired school teacher)..
when we moved to this house some 38 years ago we wanted a separate dining room as it was a lounge diner …
 it took him a couple of years to decide what he wanted to do and proudly announced one day
‘I’m going to take off the whole front of the house’…

‘WHAT.. I thought we just needed a dinning room’ says i

‘Well we might as well extend the whole front to the porch line and gain as much room upstairs and downstairs as possible..
including moving the bathroom to the back of the house as well as the kitchen!

You can imagine I was speechless…

Two years later it was all complete and it’s made the house work a lot better..
After that some years later he turned the bottom of the stairs, moved the lounge wall and door and added a bay window at the back and we added a conservatory..
I still find him now and again with his measure out and poles in the flower beds with thoughts of adding a room onto the back of the kitchen! Watch this space!

Beautiful day today, been sorting out our front flower bed, chopped back a hebe that had spread… not sure if they should be cut back but it’s got two chances, planted a rose bush to add to the others already in there.
Managed to empty one of the compost bins onto other beds now ready to receive turned compost from the other bin… May not be able to move tomorrow 😂😂.

Well hope everyone’s enjoying the bank hol w/e and 🤞it stays dry.

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Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« Reply #53 on: Sunday 26 May 24 04:24 BST (UK) »
Have you considered writing an audiobook Victoria ( it would be so nice to go to bed and hear your stories)
 I'm using auto dictation now . my eyes are tired .
 I went to a poetry event today and I did sign language for my friend s  poem about st George's day .it was very funny and the punchline was pest control .

there was a lady there who was old . elegant .had a stick & was wearing purple . I talked to her in the break and said that I'd been admiring her clothes .
She asked if I know the poem "when I'm old I shall wear purple" .
we both said we used to know it  by heart ..." with a red hat that doesn't match"  there's a line about running the stick along the railings

This ladies  walking stick was beautifully decorated

 I came home really tired
somebody gave  me lift home  and I d just said  "my flatmates are  so quiet I never hear them " as we got to the door of the house was this really loud music

Who's playing loud music ? I thought it must be the people on the other side  next door. not the ones IN my flat share

REALIZED.  oh no it's the tennis courts behind me having an event.

 we went into the garden but it was too noisy to sit in the garden .

 they were playing music from the specials and 1980s which I don't know very much
 it was alright but it was just too loud so he went in the house had a cup of tea til my friend left . I really needed a siesta it was about five o'clock . I needed to get away from this music but maybe in my bedroom it'll be quiet and the snuggled under the covers and then fell asleep .woke up & it was still really loud . texted neighbours asked  if  it bothering them as well
an hour later I thought I d go and jask if they could reduce the decibels and ask what time it's going to finish

 or I could just join the party so I went round .shouted "musics really loud " to the bar people they said " what ?" shouted again then I said "where's the manager " I said look I come in pajama bottom because I was trying to sleep and I know it's not late but is it possible to turn the music down or shall I just party with you .she said " yes do let me get you a drink "  oh then you're a neighbor you should have had an invite (£15 entrance fee )to come to the party . we didn't even get any notice and she had put all the leaflets to tell the neighbors and I said well never mind I'm here now I'll have a glass of orange everybody was really funny and really sweet . I told the story mostly inside language and lip reading because the music was so loud and I even went to the musicians afterwards and they said that they haven't controlled the volume and so to compensate they said did I want to free tennis lesson . NO  but my assistant travel detective is 21 today and he would like a free tennis lesson .
*checkefd   auto dictate doesn't punctuate have  modified
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