Hi goldie61
Thank you very much for your prompt and skilfull assistance with this document. The family members are obviously the most important, and you seem to have identified them all.
The bolls or wheat, livestock etc don't really have much import of course but any other names in the document (eg debts owed to and owed by him & to whom) would still be useful as I think it was this chap who took part in a famous raid on Holyrood House in 1591 (see below).
A little more research on this gentleman has revealed that he has some history - he was the son of
John Dryisdaill a personal servant of William Douglas, Laird of Lochleven and, while in his employ, this elder
Dryisdaill was somehow involved on the Mary Queen of Scots intrigues, when she was imprisoned there in 1568. (see first document below)
The Johne Dryisdaill (whose will this is) and the 'treasonable attack' on Holyrood house in 1591 is recorded in the publication - Ref "Genealogical notes anent some ancient Scottish families"
- as a punishment for this treason he had all his personal effects confiscated. (see second document below)
This raid is recorded here Ref Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid_of_Holyrood :
"The Raid of Holyrood was an attack on Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh on 27 December 1591 by Francis Stewart, 5th Earl of Bothwell (who was a nephew of Mary, Queen of Scots). Bothwell came with sixty followers after supper on Monday 27 December 1591, including the lairds James Douglas of Spott, Archibald Wauchope of Niddrie, John Colville, and Archibald Douglas (a son of the Earl of Morton). The raid was resisted and Bothwell's men retreated, thereafter seven of Bothwell's men were captured and hanged."Thanks once again for your valued transcription
Best regards