View full version: Ayrshire
  1. Where is this church
  2. Looking for Sweeneys
  3. L@@KUP Please - McBride
  4. Ayrshire brickwalls
  5. help me find william linn please!
  6. Janet Love of Ayrshire
  7. Callow
  8. George Mitchell, Sorn
  9. rough, rude, ready-witted Rankin
  10. Help needed please
  11. 1871 Lookup- Dundonald Ayrshire
  12. ferguson family Irvine Ayrshire
  13. Peacock's Dunlop
  14. waters in irvine 1871 census completed
  15. James Dunlop Steel & Christina Arnott
  16. who did jean strachan marry?
  17. 1851 census Girvan Ayr
  18. James Dean and Elizabeth Wylie married Kilbirnie 1811
  19. George Kerr
  20. Benjamin (Lambert) AIRD
  21. Peter Bicker 1902 Ayr
  22. Handley
  23. Parents of John CRAIG - 1812... plse. help.
  24. Matthew MUIR death in Mauchline 1802
  25. Fleming
  26. MUIR/GIBSON in Irvine
  27. Scullion & Young
  28. mother of george james imrie
  29. George Brown married janet Whyte
  30. William M Fullarton born Saltcoats, Ayrshire
  31. small cemetry behind St Margaret's Church, Ayr
  32. John Blair mar Isabel Stewart c1650.
  33. Cunningham Combination Poorhouse
  34. " not completed but under investagation" relatives from Arran
  35. WWI Research - Alexander McKenzie born 1896 Stevenston, Ayrshire - FOUND!
  36. census look up please..
  37. "completed thanks" ayrshire look up please
  38. Daniel Hill and Ann Caldwell
  39. Head Street Largs
  40. Help!!!!!!!!can you connect to this photo
  41. Robert MILLER from Ayreshire Scotland
  42. KENNEDY/ RAE families - Tarbolton
  43. Jane Campbell &David Meredith
  44. Bell, Prudence 1804 - 1869
  45. Margaret Jess McLauchlan died 7 10 1943
  46. looking for Elizabeth Linn Strachan "completed"
  47. Marriage: Westlake/Richardson - COMPLETED WITH MANY THANKS TO ELAINE AND HUME
  48. Re: Coylton, St Quivox, Newton green and wallacetown cemetery inscriptions COMPLETED
  49. William Bryden marriage
  50. MCLAREN Family