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Messages - sponsford

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The Common Room / Thank you RootsChat!
« on: Tuesday 19 July 11 12:52 BST (UK)  »
For any moderators or site owners reading this. I just want to thank you for your fantastic web site.

From a few posts on here I have discovered two distant relatives on my mothers side who are also actively looking into the family tree and we are sharing information and I have also recently made contact with I guess you would call her a cousin twice removed, and have gained a lot of knowledge for my own research.

On top of all of this the amount of help I have had from members and moderators when looking for census/records has been tremendous.

A big thank you and well done!

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: Fishers in Cheshire/Dublin
« on: Tuesday 19 July 11 12:46 BST (UK)  »
Hello John,

Thanks for making contact it's great to find another member of the family! This web site has so far dug up 3 family members who were looking into their own part of the tree before we discovered each other.

I have passed your message onto my Uncle who is concentrating on the Fisher side and has done a lot of work already. I have been going up my fathers side of the family tree and so far that has been enough for me to handle!


Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: Looking for Eynon Ponsford
« on: Thursday 23 June 11 11:25 BST (UK)  »
Elusive in the 1881 census (both England & Wales)

He is staying with his brother Thomas in Cardiff in 1881 in Harold Street.

where he is a 'Goods Carter' - so as you know his occupation in 1891 / 1901, that doesnt leave much scope for being a Mayor in Somerset?

Altho, one should never forget that the census is a snapshot of 1 night in 10 years .....
That's true he wasn't that old when he left Somerset, maybe the rumour is about someone else in the family.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: Looking for Eynon Ponsford
« on: Thursday 23 June 11 11:11 BST (UK)  »
So how about further thoughts on the Eynon situation - Birt & Death info etc?

My cousin says she will email me the info she has for Eynon, it sounds like it won't be much but it might be enough to get somewhere.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: Looking for Eynon Ponsford
« on: Thursday 23 June 11 11:10 BST (UK)  »
Elusive in the 1881 census (both England & Wales)

He is staying with his brother Thomas in Cardiff in 1881 in Harold Street.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: Looking for Eynon Ponsford
« on: Thursday 23 June 11 11:01 BST (UK)  »
Yes thanks Mort I've got John & Ann's marriage cert, and think I've found more of their children the Ponsford name is sometimes written as Pounsford when you back further, I guess possibly because some of these people were classed as labourers and maybe couldn't write very well.

I think I managed to find a father for John - Thomas but not gone any further back than that.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: Looking for Eynon Ponsford
« on: Thursday 23 June 11 09:33 BST (UK)  »
my thoughts too - did you see the Death Index entry?

I did but the DOB doesn't match Inie, nothing much adds up with this guy!
My "cousin" (simpler to call her this!) says she is going to give me more info on Eynon. Apparently there is a family rumour that Richard Ponsford (Eynon's father) was a Mayor of a town in Somerset - no idea how to verify that.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: Looking for Eynon Ponsford
« on: Thursday 23 June 11 09:05 BST (UK)  »
So is it possible that Inie is Eynon? Maybe when the 1911 census was taken someone misheard Inie and wrote down Eynon?

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: Looking for Eynon Ponsford
« on: Thursday 23 June 11 08:37 BST (UK)  »
Einon or Einion seems a more common spelling - but cant link to Ponsford at the moment.

Nowt on Ancrestry trees either so far ....

but looking instead at mooted father Richard, theres a tree ... but altho spouse is Minnie, only 3 kids are shown .... Emily, Gertrude & Horace.

Howard (my grandfather) was born in 1901 so might not be on that Census - although it was the last quarter of the year.
So now I'm not sure about Eynon, I think I will try to find out more from my relative.
Thanks for all the work,

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