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Messages - Eric Hatfield

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 35
Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Condition of p[atient in Infirmary
« on: Saturday 01 June 24 05:41 BST (UK)  »
I guess you're right. (sigh) I should have thought of that. Thanks.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Condition of p[atient in Infirmary
« on: Saturday 01 June 24 04:17 BST (UK)  »
In the 1871 UK Census, John WT Hyde, age 27, was recorded as being in the Hereford Infirmary. There is a column for condition, but I can't figure out what his condition was. Is anyone able to decipher please?

I think you've been given great advice as the little girl's double width drop waist panel and the button leggings looks good for the era c.1915.
Thanks. There seems to be a consensus from about 1911-1915.

Daniel ( who lived a century!) went to the United States
This was Daniel Stephen. Yes, he had a long and colourful life. I met him once, quite a while ago now, when he visited Australia. I wish I had the opportunity now to ask him some questions! At least 2 of that generation went to the US and at least one to Australia.

it also was not unheard of for much older men to marry younger women
Yes, I had wondered that. I thought maybe there was some resemblance between woman and man, indicating he was her father, but I'm not much good that that and I may only be imagining it. I am hoping the age of the child will be the easiest basis fior identification. So far I haven't found a good choice, but I need to do some more searching in the wider family tree.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: Scottish portrait date and age
« on: Wednesday 20 March 24 00:45 GMT (UK)  »
I am going for 1913-14 era.

Thanks. 1913 seems to be the centre of the estimates. I'll work on that.

Could the husband/father have enlisted and the photo is for him to take with him?
That is a good thought. If he was about to go off to war, you'd think they'd take a photo of mother and child with him rather than with his/her father. But if he was already in France, perhaps this makes more sense?

I have some very similar in dress and hairstyles.
That is helpful to know. It's all pointing to maybe 1911-1915, with the middle of the range perhaps more likely.

Thanks to both of you.

Thanks for these really useful replies. If we say 1911-13 as an approximate date, and the girl is aged about 6, then she was born about 1906 (plus or minus a few years). So that may help me identify who she might be.

Is there a stamp box on the back?

No. Here's what it looks like.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Scottish portrait date and age
« on: Saturday 16 March 24 12:04 GMT (UK)  »
I am researching the Stephen family who lived in Aberdeenshire in the 19th and early 20th century. Annie Shepherd Gibb married Thomas Stephen in Aberdeen in 1891.

I have many old family photos dated around 1920 with names written on the back. Most of the photos are of Annie & Thomas and several of their children. But one photo is not clearly labelled, and I'm not sure there's a resemblance to anyone else I have named. I'm hoping dating it might help identify the people.

It appears to be 3 generations of a family. It is printed on a postcard sized 5.3 in x 3.3 in (13.2 cm x 8.4 cm). On the reverse side it simply says "Post Card", and underneath in smaller letters: "For correspondence" on the left and "Address Only" on the right.

Thanks for any help.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Jean Horn birth details
« on: Sunday 26 November 23 22:58 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks so much for all the work you have put into this. I am busy for a couple of days but will look into all your links as soon as I have time. Thanks again.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Jean Horn birth details
« on: Tuesday 07 November 23 09:12 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks. Yes, there's still lots more to do.

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