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Messages - Esther

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 22
Down / Re: Kilkeel Church Records
« on: Tuesday 06 March 12 20:21 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you Sam, I will have a look at the Mourne Presbyterian Church.


Down / Re: Kilkeel Church Records
« on: Sunday 04 March 12 20:11 GMT (UK)  »
I'm looking for the birth records of two brothers. Thomas Gordon b 1813 and his brother William b about two years later. The parents were James Gordon and Jane Cummin(s).

I would also like to find the marriage of James and Jane. They were both deceased by 1842.

Down / Kilkeel Church Records
« on: Sunday 04 March 12 19:00 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone tell me how to find the Presbyterian Church records for Kilkeel? Are they online anywhere?


Hertfordshire Lookup Requests / Re: Photo request please, Potters Bar
« on: Friday 26 August 11 04:35 BST (UK)  »
No I can see 6 to the left. Thanks, I didn't even think of Google maps.


Hertfordshire Lookup Requests / Re: Photo request please, Potters Bar
« on: Friday 26 August 11 04:34 BST (UK)  »
Are you sure that is the right house? Google maps tells me the address is approximate and the number looks like 4 above the door. Is it a 6? I can't see clearly.

Hertfordshire Lookup Requests / Photo request please, Potters Bar
« on: Friday 26 August 11 03:38 BST (UK)  »
My elderly mother-in-law emigrated to New Zealand in 1951. She has recently been unwell and I have been trying to gather together some information and photos about people and places which she would remember from her life back in England.

Would it be possible for someone to email me a photo of a house, assuming it is still standing, at 6 Wentworth Close, Potters Bar?  This was her home before she came to NZ.

Many thanks,

US Resources & Offers / Re: "The Yanks are coming"
« on: Sunday 02 May 10 02:29 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Alan, I will leave it till June as I will probably have a few more questions that need answering by then anyway. If you can give me a rough idea of what the museum holds I would be most grateful.

Have a great day,

US Resources & Offers / Re: "The Yanks are coming"
« on: Saturday 01 May 10 04:26 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for the reply Alan. I will be free to come up to the museum on a Wednesday during the June Uni holidays.
Can you please give me the author of " The Friendly Invasion" as I can't find a record of it anywhere?

Unfortunately I don't have this man's unit details.  All I know for sure is that he was in the greater Auckland area in March 1944 and by what I have read, the 43rd Division was the last division to leave our shores.


US Resources & Offers / Re: "The Yanks are coming"
« on: Monday 26 April 10 01:55 BST (UK)  »
Hi Alan,

I have just been reading the book entitled 'The Yanks are Coming' by Harry Bioletti as I am trying to find some record of an American serviceman who was stationed in NZ in 1943/44. I was unaware that the Warkworth Museum had a lot of info.

I'm looking for a man named Harold or Harry Preston but as I have found very little record of him to date, I'm beginning to wonder if he did in fact go by his middle name. Does the museum hold a collection of photos? I live in Auckland and will take a trip up now that I know about your information.


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