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Messages - elinga

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Jim1 the sister sitting was born in 1887 and the one standing was born in 1879 !

Family History Beginners Board / my thoughts
« on: Friday 17 May 24 12:47 BST (UK)  »
1920s ish

mckha489, sandiep and japeflakes thanx for responding ,  photo was sent to me by an elderly relative in SA and she wasnt sure when the first photo was taken , but the group photo she believed was early 50s !
but I believe the ladies in the group photo are all related (likely daughters of the lady in the front)
I have enclosed 2 other photos of Margaret first one when she arrived in SA , which I still havent managed to establish , but before 1910, when she got married to Albert Coutts , who she is with in the second photo, which maybe have been when they got married or just after , I could be wrong  !
Margaret was born in 1887 and Albert was born in 1885 !

hello , dont know if this is the right place or not , but
I have several photos of my great Aunt Margaret Alexander McCrorie Coutts , she moved to South Africa in the early 1900s, she married Albert Coutts in 1910 , her sister Ellen(Nellie) McCrorie Wilkie also went , I believe late 1890s or early 1900s , she married David Allan Wilkie in 1902 !
I have one photo of Margaret with a sister but I am not sure which sister !
I have no known photos of Nellie , but have one of another sister Mary Ann whom I know visited SA a few times !
can anyone help me identify which sister is in the photo with Margaret , Margaret is the one siting on the chair ?
the other photo is of Mary Ann sitting in the front row , while visiting SA !
these photos are copies so sorry for the quality !
sorry if this is long winded I do hope you understand ... any help would be appreciated !

Buteshire / Completed except for John McKennon ....Isabella Black
« on: Monday 13 May 24 21:36 BST (UK)  »
mckha489 tbh I was so confused about all the previous posts my head was spinning and I was going on holiday  !
so when I came back I looked at everything I had proof of and that is why I posted it !
but now I have reread everything and think I have it all sorted out !
except as you say John McK :-(
thank you for all your help and of course everyone else who has contributed !

Buteshire / Re: Isabella Blcak
« on: Monday 13 May 24 20:05 BST (UK)  »
Hi Forfarian, maybe it is a mistake , seems the likeliest explanation and as you say the dates fit better !
the John Findlay I found in Kilmarnock was the only John Findlay  fitting the dates , thank you for ruling him out !
thanks for your input !

Buteshire / Re: Isabella Blcak
« on: Monday 13 May 24 14:33 BST (UK)  »
if you look over the previous posts there were discrepancies in the dates regarding the headstone  and I have gone over everything I have on the peoples names listed and posted what I know/or not !
John mentioned on the headstone I couldnt find , but I have John born 1829 and mentioned in the 1841 census with his parents Helen and Michael Finlay , but he is not mentioned in the 1851 or 1861 census with his family and couldnt find a death for him either !!
but you say there was one who died in 1842 aged 14 so where did you get that information ?

Buteshire / Re: Isabella Black
« on: Monday 13 May 24 11:56 BST (UK)  »
 so I have gone over the names on the headstone and this is what I have found !
Michael Findlay husband , died 30.5 1847 aged 52
No confirmation
Helen McKennon self, died 20.7.1884 aged aged 77
Death certificate confirmed
John Findlay her son , died 8.4.1863 aged 14
(John Findlay dob 12/10/1829 Irvine)
597/ 13/ 8

William (Auld) Findlay her son, died 6.12.1875 aged 36
Death Certificate confirmed died 6.12.1874

John McKennon her father, died October 1810 aged 24 in Chelsea England
No Record found
Isabella Black her mother , died 3.11.862 aged 77
Death Certificate confirmed 4.11.1862
Elizabeth Black her aunt, died 10.9.1852 aged 77
No confirmation
Margaret Scouler her cousin ,died 29.8.1863 aged 63
Margaret Black Sculare Or Crookshank ???
Death Certificate confirmed 1863
595 / 179

Michael Findlay her son ,  died 5.12.1883 aged 48
Catherine Findlay her daughter , died 9.9.1898 aged 69
Margaret Findlay, her daughter , died 3.3.1913 ??
Michael Findlay her grandson , died 30.5.1934 aged 72 ?

Helen McKinnon Findlay according to her death certificate she was 75 when she died in 1884, giving her an approximate dob 1809 ……1809-1884

Michael Findlay (Finlay) according to 1841 census he was 46 , giving him an approximate DOB 1795 and he died in an accident at work in Dalry , May 29.1847 …..1795-1847
John and Katherine Glasgow Finlay were  born in Irvine , 12.10.1829
parents MICHAEL FINLAY and HELEN MCKENNON (according to birth certificate from scotlandspeople ,
Both are mentioned in the 1841 census from scotlandspeople aged 11
John Findlay on Familysearch , died on 08 Apr 1843 in Irvine, birth 1829. 1829-1843
Directed to this grave in the Old Parish Church , which I believe is the same one as mentioned in the original post !

so what do you guys think ?

Buteshire / Re: Isabella Blcak
« on: Saturday 20 April 24 11:15 BST (UK)  »
to all the people who have contributed and helped ....Blimey
I dont know where to start , seems I have opened a hornets nest !
tbh I have only made my interest in Isabella John and Helen as they are my direct lineage , so havent really paid too much attention to the other names and dates on the gravestone !
that being said , I am off on holiday for 2 weeks , so when I get back I will get into this again and do a bit more research and see what comes out of it !
thank you again and I will be back :-)

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