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Topics - Mart 'n' Al

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Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Interpreting triangulated chromosome matches
« on: Thursday 26 December 19 17:08 GMT (UK)  »
I have a half first cousin. We share a grandfather although our respective Fathers were born to different partners of the grandfather.

25 out of our top 30 matches triangulate with third people. 15 of those 25 triangulate on chromosome 12, between 8 and 24 cM.  What is the difference between those in the group of 15, and the other 10, who match us both, but NOT on chromosome 12?


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / DNA ethnicity estimates: Performance varies
« on: Thursday 26 December 19 14:56 GMT (UK)  »
On this subject, I strongly recommend this article. M&Ms are like UK Smarties.

This post should almost be in the Common Room.


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Interpreting MyHeritage auto cluster information
« on: Tuesday 24 December 19 13:39 GMT (UK)  »
This is probably a simple question.

I have generated an autocluster chart giving me 87 DNA matches with a minimum threshold of 30 centimorgans and a maximum threshold of 350 cm. I want to increase that 350 to 500 to include a known relative but can't see how to change that parameter.  If I can't increase that parameter, how do I tell which cluster he would be long to?

Secondly I have a third cousin with whom I am in contact and we share 88 centimorgans. The largest segment is 71 centimorgans. She doesn't appear on the chart. Can any one suggest why she is not there?

Thank you in advance.


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / I'm looking for a lost genealogy website
« on: Tuesday 17 December 19 15:28 GMT (UK)  »
I'm looking for a website that I remember from earlier this year.

It gave a very clear and simple explanation of how you inherit 50% of your DNA from each parent. It started with four people, who each had 6-letter first names.  Each pair then had children with names made up from three letters of the mother's name and three letters of the father's name. This was then repeated for the third generation.

That's all I can remember.  At the time I thought I must remember this website as it explains things very clearly, in a clever way.


The Common Room / What might be the origin of the surname 'Corpse'?
« on: Tuesday 17 December 19 13:20 GMT (UK)  »
I've just discovered that my 5x GGM was a Corpse, from Co Durham, (long before she actually died).

I'd be interested to hear any suggestions for the origin of the unfortunate name.  I don't have a current FindMyPast or Anc subscription.


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Has anyone tried "DNA Match manager v2" ?
« on: Monday 09 December 19 15:35 GMT (UK)  »
It is available here:

There is a review here:

and here:

and it is mentioned here, along with other DNA tools:

Has anyone any comments on it?  Unless I hear anything negative about it, I will give it a try and report my findings.


The Common Room / 1911 to 1938 Research Masterclass
« on: Sunday 08 December 19 15:36 GMT (UK)  »
There doesn't seem to be one, so I thought I would collect some ideas.

There is an almost 30-year hiatus between the last currently-available census, and the 1939 wartime register.

As a child I grew up knowing three of my grandparents. It was only in the last 3 years, while carrying out my research, that I realised that two of my grandparents had several siblings, about whom I knew nothing as a child. They appear in the 1901 and 1911 censuses, and then disappear from my knowledge. My grandparents and indeed my parents and siblings of my parents are no longer available to provide information on these missing great aunts and great uncles.

Apart from vital event certificates, and possible war records, if they were old enough, I would be interested to hear how you handle this apparent gap in research sources.

This idea was prompted by a recent notification by my DNA test company about the existence of a second cousin. I know nothing about him and do not recognise the surname.


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / What I did when I got my DNA results
« on: Sunday 01 December 19 14:00 GMT (UK)  »
It is 18 months since I got my DNA results, including a list of about 8000 potential cousins.  I have worked hard at processing this information but I thought it would be useful to document what I have done, and invite others to add to the list.  I am very keen to contact people as remote as 5th cousins, in the hope that they can tell me something about our shared ancestry.  I know some people are very protective about their DNA results, but I am of the opposite belief.  I have made my results available to as many websites as possible.

The very first thing to do, if your testing company makes it possible, is to download your raw data. If you are able to do this this there will be a menu option readily visible. You can then upload your raw data to various websites. The very first one should be Gedmatch, a free website which allows the comparison of DNA data from multiple and different test companies.

Also, people who have done this are obviously more interested in their DNA, than in the slightly apocryphal ethnicity estimates which are often the motivation for people being tested.

You should also familiarise yourself with Blaine Bettinger's DNA chart.

Also his What Are The Odds? tool (WATO)

For a better understanding of DNA, chromosomes, etc, look initially for articles aimed at children initially.  They explain things more simply.

These are the following websites where I have uploaded my data. I hope other Rootschat people will add to this list.


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