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Topics - Tom from OZ

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I posted this picture on the Armed Forces sight hoping to have the uniform recognised and the rank of the two white people clarified.

They came up with a Sergeant seated and Lance Corporal standing but apparently there were no distinguishing marks to identify the uniform.

I am going to be a bit leading here I suspect the picture is of my Wife's Great Grand Father who was part of the German British legion in the Eastern Cape South Africa.  I have been unable to find out what the uniform looked like back in 1857 ish perhaps somebody can assist.

But it was suggested the picture may be dated from the dress of the seated native with the Fez, any takers.

World War Two / Uniform and rank recognition please
« on: Saturday 15 October 16 05:26 BST (UK)  »

I am hoping one of you very clever people can recognise either the uniform and/or the rank of the people in this photograph.

Many thanks in anticipation

Tom Hutchinson

Armed Forces / German troop training for the Kaffraria War
« on: Wednesday 05 October 16 12:31 BST (UK)  »

I think this is a bit unusual and hopefully I have the right board.

One of my relatives was a soldier in the Crimea War, when it was finished the story goes the some of the troops were trained at Aldershot and sent of to fight in the Kaffraria wars.

Can anybody give me any ideas who I can contact to find records of these troops and their training in Aldershot.  It seems that one of the prerequisites for being posted to Africa was that the soldiers were married and if they were not then they quickly found themselves a Wife.

Any help would be appreciated

Australia / Fairsky passenger lists late 1960's
« on: Tuesday 22 February 11 00:08 GMT (UK)  »

Could anybody advise me whether passenger lists are available online for the Fairsky in the late 1960's please.  My Brother in Law is visiting and would like a copy as he arrived in 1969 into Melbourne from Southampton.

Many thanks


Essex / Cousin
« on: Sunday 09 January 11 06:09 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for Many Thanks

Sussex / Royal Sussex Regiment in 1901
« on: Wednesday 24 March 10 00:49 GMT (UK)  »

Could anybody steer me in the right direction please.  My Gt Grandfather was a Private in the Royal Sussex Regiment and I cannot find him in the UK in 1901 census, I know he served in South Africa during the Boer War until 1900 and the Regiment moved on to India is there a record anywhere of where servicemen were on census day 1901?

London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Walworth Town Hall
« on: Thursday 28 January 10 01:27 GMT (UK)  »

Does anybody live close enough to the Walworth Town Hall and would be willing to take a photograph of the Memorial Plaque of those from Walworth who fell in WW2.

I found out yesterday my Grand Mother Lilian Maude Hutchinson (Lily) and her daughter Patricia Doreen are mentioned killed during the Blitz in 1944.

If you have time perhaps a pm would be possible rather than posting my Email address

Many Thanks in advance

Tom Hutchinson

Armed Forces / Spies in London during WW2
« on: Tuesday 26 January 10 21:45 GMT (UK)  »
Not sure whether this is the right board to post this msg on but will also post same msg on BEEB to spread the net far and wide.

I am told my Grandfather, an Air Raid Warden and roof tiler during WW2 in London also tended the very small garden at the back of the block of flats were he and my Grand Mother lived.  One day he noticed the flower bed had been disturbed and decided it was too large to have been caused by a cat and investigated.  He uncovered two German Passports which he duly reported to Police and the GP who had a consulting room on the ground floor of the block of flats was arrested as a spy.  I imagine events like that would not have been reported in the newspaper because of alerting the enemy but could anybody suggest if reports were kept where might they be held so that I can obtain copies?

Armed Forces / Census during Boer War
« on: Saturday 09 January 10 00:12 GMT (UK)  »
My GT Grand Father fought in the Boer War until 1900 could anybody suggest if a census was taken, where would I find the records.


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