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Topics - DUNMAC

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Stirlingshire / Bacon's in Falkirk
« on: Monday 31 March 08 20:36 BST (UK)  »
Anyone with information on the Bainsford  Bacon families after 1901?
I would love to hear about further descendants. The many branches seem to start out as Blacksmiths, then Gratefitters and one became the Overseer of the Forth & Clyde Canal Co.

Stirlingshire / Alexander Family
« on: Thursday 24 January 08 23:12 GMT (UK)  »
Any help with the following!

               Robert Alexander & Mary Chapman's son William Alexander 1842 married Eliza Murphy 1842 on 12/07/1867, Grahamston, Falkirk; Children =
George 1869,
James 1873,
Eliza 1877,
Jessie 1880,
All on 1881 Census Falkirk, can any one add anything? only know William 1842 was a Tailor and then an Insurance Agent.


Stirlingshire / Shaws In Slamannan
« on: Sunday 23 December 07 13:38 GMT (UK)  »
        Share an interest in the Shaw family, who once stayed at Dalquhairn (James Shaw c1674)(Through Katharin his daughter 1707) ( Old Mill Site, near Avonbridge, I believe.) with a distant cousin in England. One of my grandmother's (Agnes-Adams Murphy)  ancestors. Know all about site and house built there, now demolished but any other information on Shaw family descendants sought, after family left Dalquhairn, or before they moved there.


P.S. Cannot find the link between Katharin 1707 and the later Charles Shaw, Mason & his sister Marion both Slamannan who later lived in Dalquhairn, no records, can anyone help?

Stirlingshire / Murphy descendants wanted!
« on: Thursday 20 December 07 19:33 GMT (UK)  »
          Can anyone offer any information on Murphy families in Falkirk/Camelon,, they were Tailors at first but most of decendants moved into foundry work. One was later noted as an innkeeper at the Union Lock 16 Inn in later life. They came from the North of Ireland and settled in Falkirk and surrounding area circa 1740( George), son James, Falkirk 1784 - 1878 ( Tailor), married Margaret Hart (Falkirk) 1795 - 1871, children were:
Helen 1818 = Thomas Docharty c1815, no family found, as yet.
George 1819 - 1893 = Mary Smith c 1821 - 1900, 9 children noted.
Elisabeth 1822, nothing found.
John 1824 - 1880 = Agnes Adam 1817 - 1872, my direct line, 8 children, noted so far.
James 1826, (Died as Child?), no firm information.
James 1832 = Margaret McNair 1834 - 1916, 8 children noted, so far.
Margaret 1839, nothing found.

Have some limited information on the married children and some of the decendants of my own direct line but would welcome any help in expanding my grandmother Agnes-Adams Murphy's 1884 - 1952, (Camelon/Falkirk - Anderston/Glasgow) side of the family.
Managed to go back in the Hart maternal side (White) of family to 1600's but main interest is descendants of all the Murphy's. Any Murphy descendants still in the area, who can increase my knowledge, would be a great boon.
                                                                   Yours hopefully,
P.S. Family have connection to : Robertson, ,Scott, Hardie, Forrester, Grindlay, Cupples, Hendry, Grinton, Etc. in Stirlingshire  & Kippen.                                                      

Aberdeenshire / Puzzled about Maggie Chapman, 1898.
« on: Tuesday 11 December 07 19:19 GMT (UK)  »
         During my re search through my wife's (Liz.)  Chapman line, I've come across something not seen before in my searches for any line researched.

Found a further Chapman to add to my tree, Maggie Chapman, 1898, the mother stated on the Statutory B.C. from ScotlandsPeople is correct, Jane Chapman and the address was correct , 11 Blackhall Road, Inverurie, matching Jane Anne's (Annie) address on her D.C. When I went to add Maggie to my G.R. Tree, I noticed there was already a son entered for that year and birthdates make it impossible that this could be correct, But Jane is down as Householder and Mother on Maggie's B.C., 204/00 0092 and Maggie noted as being Illegitimate, Jane had been married for a while by this time? Rechecked all information again, everything was correct?? but noticed this time a RCE heading for Maggie, 204/00 0092RCE, which makes the puzzle even harder to understand:
              Etc. before the name of the childs mother, insert George Paterson, Farm Servant, Etc. Etc. Paternity Action  re female child named________   _______ born 31st December 1897, at the instance of Mary Gammie against George Paterson, F.S. Somefadour?, Haughton, Alford. Court in Aberdeen and Banff found that Maggie was the Illegitimate child of George Paterson and Mary Gammie at Inverurie, 1898.

Why was the child then registerd to Jane Anne Chapman and B.C. not altered to show the correct parents and D.O.B., address. All Chapmans relating to this are deceased, so no information can come from the family. I know families tried to hide things like this but why would Jane end up with the child???? Cannot find any relationship to Mary Gammie.


Aberdeenshire / Marjory Chapman, Nurse 0f Royalty.
« on: Sunday 09 December 07 00:32 GMT (UK)  »
Third thread from Chapman, Aberdeen/Inverurie:
After Marjory Chapman 1854 - 1936, left Royal Service with Princess Beatrice, she sought permission from Q.V. to marry and still get pension And Later K.E. reaffirmed it.
Marjory was by then middle aged. Married a John Shedden, 1853 - 1917, Granite Stonecutter,( Widower of Ann Cameron) at Union St. Aberdeen, 08/09/1905.
Would like to know if there are any Shedden descendants of John's first marriage to Ann Cameron in Aberdeenshire?

P.S. Marjory's Funeral held at her Sister's Mrs. Cruickshank, 12 Pitstruan Place, Aberdeen.


P.S. Anyone out there with Sheddens in their lists?

Aberdeenshire / Futher Chapman Woe.
« on: Saturday 08 December 07 23:21 GMT (UK)  »
 :( Hi.
          Rekindled interest in Chapman line has led to another problem.
John Chapman the Tailor's son, John Chapman, Flesher Journeyman, (Butcher) 1852 - 1914, married Isabella Gordon, 1850 in Inverurie 1877, now trying to trace her Ancestors and this leads to more puzzles. Born Forglen Banff to parents George Gordon & Isabella Paul as noted on her D.C 1925, 204/ 00 0034, Inverurie, though M.C. 1877, 204/00 0005, Inverurie states John Chapman & Isabella Paul:

         OPR Birth154/ 0020 0080, Forglen:
          Gordon & Paul:(* Dates look altered on page, Header says 16/09/1850, but top of page says December 31st 1833, and other entries to bottom go through 30's to 1845.*)( First entry on page?)

Isabella, illegitimate daughter of George Gordon Farm Servant MountClairy and Isabella Paul was born at Hillhead of MountClairy. April . Twenty Sixth 1850: and baptized, September Sixteenth 1850. Witnesses, George Paul and Alexander Barclay, both residing at Hillhead of MountClairy.

Also a sister Helen 1848 Forglen, Illegitimate, same place of birth, witnesses George Paul  & George Chalmers: 154/ 0020 0079, Forglen

Isabella Gordon, Census 1861, 161/00 006/00 025:
Marnoch, Aberchirder, 177 Mid St.
Isabella Davidson, Head, Mar., 34, Ploughman's Wife, Banff, Marnoch.
Ann Davidson, Daur., 5, Scholar, Banff, Marnoch.
John Davidson, Son, 2,  Banff, Marnoch.
Janet Paul, Mother-In-Law, W., Formerly Ag. Lab's Wife. Banff, Marnoch.
Jessie Davidson, Daur., 3, Banff, Marnoch.
Helen Gordon, Wife's Daur., 12, Scholar, Banff, Forglen.
Isabella Gordon, Wife's Daur., 9, Scholar, Banff, Forglen.

Back to:
Statutory Marriage 161/00 0005:
1855 Marnoch/Banff, Robert Davidson & Isabella Paul, June Ninth:
Robert, Brownside, Parish of Alvah, 26 Born but not reg. Jan 3rd 1829, Turrif, Aberdeenshire. Parents, George Davidson & Anne Hood, All Farm Servants.
Isabella Paul, Aberchirder, Parish of Marnoch25, Registered, 6th December 1829 at Marnoch, Banffshire. Parents George Paul (Deceased) & Janet Paul M.S. Center. All Farm Servants.
A. Anderson Minister Of Marnoch.
Witnesses, James Paul, Farm Servant & James Anderson, Farmer.
William Christie, Registrar, at Marnoch, 9/6/1855.

Can anyone help with Davidson  parents history, cannot trace on SP.

D.C. of Janet Paul, 161/ 00 0007:
Marnoch/ Banff: 1886 Jan 14th, Mid St. Aberchirder, Widow of George Paul, Crofter, 86years, ( Alone and Pauper 1881 Census) gives Parents as James Center, Crofter, (deceased), Ann Center, M.S. Morrison, (deceased).

Can anyone help with Center parents history, cannot trace them.

All help greatly appreciated and thanks to those that have replied to first enquiry, still ongoing.

P.S. Almost forgotten to ask, cannot find any of the 1861 crowd in the 1871 Census? though Janet Paul comes up a Pauper at same address 1881?

Aberdeenshire / Chapman, Aberdeen/Inverurie
« on: Friday 07 December 07 23:31 GMT (UK)  »
 :'( Hi,
             John Chapman 1828-1908, Rosehearty, Aberdeen & Mary McLeod 1824-1912, married in Inverurie 19/10/1848. John & Mary Chapman lived in Inverurie where he had a Tailors shop in the High Street. I have tried to trace John & Mary's parents, John's parents are not fully entered on D.C., listed as _____ Chapman & Christina (Looks like) Binnie (Bouine?) & Mary's parents? (illegitimate?) ________McLeod, Elizabeth Stephen,

 Can anyone shed any light on the parents of John & Mary, or where/when they were born.

 A descendant M. Chapman worked as a nurse for 11 years approx. Windsor Archive, for Prince Henry of Battenburg & Princess Beatrice in the Royal Household. This prompted my starting the neverending quest for family ancestors. Any help to break my brickwall down, appreciated.


Argyllshire / Catherine McDonald nee Cameron, Morvern.
« on: Sunday 25 November 07 15:59 GMT (UK)  »
Further to last query about Hugh McDonald, Morvern, I have
now found second marriage in Morvern to Catherine Cameron.

OPR Marriage, 528/ 0020 0098 Morvern:
31st of January, 1832:
Donald: Hugh McDonald Taylor Achlinan and Catherine Cameron Married 31 January.

As Catherine is noted on 1841 Census there, as being 50 years of age, that makes her approx 40years at time of marriage and born 1791 approx. I can find no details about birth or death of Catherine or if any children came from this marriage. Can anyone help out with information about this 2nd. union.


P.S. Perhaps Catherine had been married before?

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