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Topics - GeorgeRP

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Technical Help / Default setting
« on: Tuesday 09 April 13 10:28 BST (UK)  »
Hi All Rootchatters,

Is there a default  area that I can go to, to change settings. I ticked a box and it now has messages coming in as they are posted.

Originally the oldest post were seen first, that's what I want to go back to.



Europe / Peter Wakaruk - Sniatyn - Poland
« on: Sunday 24 March 13 12:46 GMT (UK)  »
Hi fellow Rootschatter's,

Would someone be able to look up a birth listing for a Peter Wakaruk, born in Sniatyn - Poland, on the 15th February 1915.

He left Poland, for unknown reasons, and travelled to Germany.

He left Germany on route to Australia via Venice, and arrived in Sydney Australia on the 30th September 1948.
He sought Australian Citizenship, which was granted, and made a life for himself in Tasmania Australia, where he died on the 27th October 1977.

Would it be possible to find out who his parents are.

There is no information about his birth history at Australian Immigration site NAA

Hope someone can help.



Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Creased Photo
« on: Wednesday 30 January 13 23:14 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all Expert Restorers,

Once again I seek your help in hopefully restore this photo.

Your last project for me was outstanding.


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Photo Help
« on: Sunday 20 January 13 11:55 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all Expert Restorers,

Could someone possibly help with improving this rather tattered, but beautiful photo of the period.

I hope attachment attached



The photo doesn't appear to have attached correctly.

[Only part of the original photo appears on screen. What have I done wrong].

Australia / Look-Up Death Notice at the Victorian State Library
« on: Wednesday 16 January 13 12:04 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Al Roots Chatters,

Please excuse my ignorance, but I do no now if  have posted this thread in the right spot.

Does anyone have the time to look-up a Death Notice at the Victorian State Library, for a Kerry James Vincent.

Kerry died on the 13th June 2006, in Victoria.

Should someone be able to help, could they PM me to gain my e-mail address, as it is possible that people named within the Notice could possibly be alive.


Canada Lookup Request / *** COMPLETED *** Suspicious Marriage
« on: Monday 17 December 12 02:19 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All,

Is anyone able to tell me if there is a Marriage between a Harold Ayres Phillip Purdie & a Hilda Beatrice Gardiner circa 1938. [My adoptive parents].

The pair both came from England via Canada to Australia, and I am just curious if the pair married en-route to Australia.

They arrived in Sydney New South Wales aboard "The Aorangi", departing from an unknown port in Canada.

Both are now deceased.


George :-X :-X :-X

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / G.Grandmother & son
« on: Saturday 08 December 12 11:48 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Rootschatters,

I must thank every-one who helped in my last posting in improving the wall photo of my G/Grandfather, Henry Vincent.

I have attached a photo of his wife & son.

Is it possible to improve the photo in picture quality, as well as making 2 separate portrait photo's.

I hope I am not asking too much, as I can see the work load that the volunteers have partaken over the past week.

I hope I have attched the photo correctly.



Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Photo of Grandfather
« on: Sunday 02 December 12 01:20 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All,

I was advised by PrueM, to submiit my photo for possible improvement.

The work I would like done is too try and improve the image of the person in the large photo on the wall, the gentleman with the beard.

He is my Great Grandfather, and it is the only photo I have seen of him.

I have a larger file if you need it and I can be cotacted by PM.

I hope I have attached the image ok.



Australia / School Records - Hobart - Tasmania 1860's
« on: Thursday 29 November 12 00:48 GMT (UK)  »
Hi RootsChatter's

Would anyone know where I would find records/lists of names  of Primary School students in the years spanning, late 1850's - to mid 1860's.  The records would be in the Hobart District, which would think, would have been relatively small in the years stated.

Hope someone can help.



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