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Topics - wildtech

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Buckinghamshire / Douglas family of Horton
« on: Friday 06 August 10 11:12 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone help me with information on the Douglas(s) family of Horton.  They appear in all the censuses.  William is the head with wife Rachel (nee Atkins?) and various children.  I am particularly interested in their eldest daughter Rachel (b1826)  She seems to have married Richard Weekly in 1848 however in 1851 she is living with her family and is recorded as unmarried.  In later censuses she is still living with her family recorded as married and has three children but Richard is never with her.  Richard and Rachel definitely had one son together conceived out wedlock and brought up by Richard's parents.

I would be grateful for any help with this family as unfortunately I live a long way from Horton.

Thank you

Could someone tell me what the abbreviation in the occupation field for Hannah Mitchell means please.  I have come across it a few times recently in the 1841 census. 

Sussex / Jireh Chapel - Now Madina Mosque, Horsham
« on: Friday 23 April 10 16:40 BST (UK)  »
My 4th great grandfather, James Mitchell, died in 1847 and in his will he requested that he be buried in the burial ground belonging to the Independent Chapel in Horsham and that a headstone be erected to his memory.  From my research so far I believe this to be the Jireh Chapel which is now the Madina Mosque in Park Terrace.

Could anyone tell me if the burial ground still exists and whether any records for the church still exist.  Any other information on this chapel would be gratefully received.

Surrey Completed Look up Requests / 1851 Census lookup please COMPLETED
« on: Tuesday 06 April 10 13:05 BST (UK)  »
Could someone find the 1851 census ref' for this family please?  I can find the names in the index of FindMyPast but have failed to find then on Ancestry which I can access at the library.

I am Looking for Rosia Turner, born 1844, reg' district Lambeth.  In the same household should be Eliza, George and Mary Ann

Thanks in advance

Father was a Steward, son was an Ag Lab but what was mum please?

Technical Help / Just how generic IS a gedcom?
« on: Tuesday 09 March 10 19:20 GMT (UK)  »
I was under the impression that a gedcom file was a universal way of exchanging genealogical information.  However it seems this is not the case.  I use Legacy to store all my information and upload it to my website as a gedcom file.  My son wrote a display program which takes the information from the gedcom file and displays it in a style similar to that on tribal pages.  I recently updated to Legacy 7.4 and on my latest export to gedcom and upload to website the display program has `lost` information and no longer displays everything.  My son is now looking for the reason for this and a solution.  But as my subject asks - just how generic is the gedcom format?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Occupations please
« on: Monday 08 March 10 18:17 GMT (UK)  »
Can't work out what these occupations are.  First one Ag Lab and pauper I think.  The rest of the family is a mystery but a lot of the people on the same page have the same occupation, as do many on the next page.

London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / 1871 look up please *COMPLETED*
« on: Thursday 03 December 09 17:27 GMT (UK)  »
Could someone look up the following family and/or supply a reference please.  I can find them in the FindMyPast index but not on Ancestry which I can access at the library

Household is:
Mary Ann Arnold - age 5
Rosina Arnold - age 7
Rosina Arnold - age 27
William Arold - age 2
Chas Edwd - age 29

Resident in District of Holborn

Thank you

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Where is Elizabeth Stanbrook?
« on: Monday 16 November 09 17:15 GMT (UK)  »
I think Elizabeth Stanbrook is at some kind of boarding school in Harlington, Middlesex but called what?

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