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Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Look up Green - 1861 Census Warwick
« on: Wednesday 17 May 06 22:21 BST (UK)  »

Could someone please look for Harriet Green for me in the 1861 and/or 1851 Census. She was born in 1833 in Warwick and living I think in Warwick St Nicholas. She had been living with her mother and stepfather (Mercy) in 1841, but they both may have died.


Census Lookup and Resource Requests / NBI Lookup - Warwick
« on: Tuesday 16 May 06 13:25 BST (UK)  »

Could someone please look up the following for me in the NBI. I’m sure they were all in Warwick St Mary or possibly St Nicholas.

Elizabeth Mercy died about 1824-1826
Rebecca Mercy died probably 1833
Samuel Green died sometime between 1829 and 1835



Devon Completed Lookup Requests / 1851/41 census Lookup - Johns
« on: Monday 24 April 06 21:58 BST (UK)  »

Could someone please look up William Johns for me in the 1851 census. He was born in Buckland Brewer about 1814, but moved somewhere else in Devon. Also 1841 if possible, although there maybe a few William Johns born around the same time.



Census Lookup and Resource Requests / NBI lookup please
« on: Thursday 02 March 06 12:21 GMT (UK)  »

Could someone possibly look up George Willitts in the NBI please. Died about 1829 in Warwick St Nicholas.

Would it be a bit too much to ask if there are any other Willitts in the same parish from 1830-1837?

Worcestershire Lookup Requests / 1891 census lookup in worcester please
« on: Monday 27 February 06 21:34 GMT (UK)  »
Could someone please lookup Ethel Mann born in 1878, and living in St Clement Worcester in the 1891 census please. I would like to know who she is staying with as she doesn't appear to be with any of her family.

Thanks in advance


London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / 1851/1861 Census lookup - Hopkins
« on: Wednesday 11 January 06 19:08 GMT (UK)  »
Could someone please look up an Alice Hopkins for me in the 1851 and possibly 1861 Census please. She would have been born in 1845 to 1847 ish in St Clement Dane in Westminster (Strand possibly). Her parents should be Sarah and John, and may have an elder brother Thomas.

Thank you


Warwickshire Lookup Requests / 1851 Warwickshire - Meller
« on: Friday 06 January 06 11:21 GMT (UK)  »
Could someone lookup Sarah Meller for me in the 1851 Census please. She was born Bromsgrove in 1789. Ancestry Index shows her as Sarah Melles living in Warwickshire (the only Sarah in 1851 born Bromsgrove 1789). I’d like to know who she was living with as I think she was probably a long time widow and the only son that I have knowledge of had long gone. Is she anywhere in the 1841 Census, could appear as Meller/Mellor etc.


Worcestershire Lookup Requests / 1851 lookup Droitwich - Jones
« on: Sunday 04 December 05 20:53 GMT (UK)  »
Could someone please lookup in the 1851 census John Jones b. about 1784 and Mary Jones b. about 1787, both living in Droitwich (st Peter). I would like to know where they were both born and who else is living with them.

Thank you


Somerset Completed Lookup Requests / 1841 Census lookup please - Obern
« on: Wednesday 30 November 05 21:34 GMT (UK)  »

Could someone please look up Mary Oberne in the 1841 somerset census for me please. She was born in Stoke Lane (later Stoke St Michael) in about 1827. By 1851 she was living somewhere in gloucestershire as a servant, so I'd like to find out who her family were. The name could be Obern, Oberne, Oborne etc. There were a number of families in stoke lane with these name variants.


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