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Topics - Mamsoth

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Armed Forces / Army Attestation records from 1796-1857. Edinburgh
« on: Saturday 02 July 16 16:06 BST (UK)  »
Hi all I'm looking for the Army Attestation records from 1796-1857, Edinburgh. I have found many, many places that offer an email address to enquire about the records, none of which have got back to me. As I've been waiting over a month, I'm wondering if anyone has a better way to gain access to these records?

Any help would be really appreciated


  Got one more problem word. It's from the same person as my last post, Joseph Portman of Toddricks Wynd, Old town, Edinburgh. This is from the birth record of his Daughter Grace (Grizel) Portman in 1804.
So far I think I can make out...

"Sold! in the .... Militia"

So, soldier in the (something) militia.

The best I can get is the Queens Militia? But it's such a difficult one to decipher.

Any suggestions?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Translating the third word
« on: Saturday 02 July 16 12:42 BST (UK)  »
Hi all, need help translating the third word in the attached sample (the one after Joseph and before Merchant). Its from the death certificate of a 73 year old male from Canongate, Edinburgh. The year is 1848.

I'm hoping to link this record to a Joseph Portman who throughout his life, was a Master Grocer/Wine & Spirit Merchant, living in Old Town Edinburgh.

London and Middlesex / John James Hood Lingard and Sarah Hall
« on: Friday 01 July 16 17:00 BST (UK)  »
Hi everyone, I've been researching like mad this last few months and as is inevitably the case with these things, I have come upon a complete and utter dead end with regards to one particular part of the tree.

Namely, my 5x Great grandparents John James Hood Lingard and Sarah (Carew?) Hall. I've done a shed load of research into these two (especially JJH Lingard) but am struggling to push things back any further with them.

I can get back to JJH Lingards father John (an Umbrella maker from Cheapside) and possibly once more to his grandfather...John ; )

But with regards to Sarah, I can only find mention of her mother Margaret Hall in Sarahs marriage to JJH Lingard.

There are countless people on the dreaded who seem to have Sarah with Carew as a middle name, though none of them actually have any sources listed to support this. I am therefore taking it with a pinch of the proverbial until I can prove or refute it for myself.

Here is everything I know about Sarah Hall:

. According to her marriage banns she is "of" the Parish St George, Hanover Square, Middlesex.

. She has to be born very close to 1772 as she's listed as a minor of the age 19 and upwards on said marriage banns).

. Her Mother Margaret Hall is a widow by the time of the wedding in 1791.

. After her marriage to JJH she has two children (that I know of). JJH Jr in 1792 and William Henry in 1796.

As I say It is mostly her ancestors I am in need of help with, I'm also curious to see if anyone has any ideas about the Carew connection (if indeed there is one)...

Midlothian / Margareta Portman German Fancy Worker
« on: Thursday 30 June 16 12:57 BST (UK)  »
Hi, hope this is posted in the right place....

I've come across a Margareta Portman in the Scottish census for 1861, born around 1822. She may or may not be a relative (though she is living at number 2 drummond street, which is very close to the location of a known Portman ancestor, Joseph, who lives at 366 Castlehill).

I can't imagine there were too many Portmans in Edinburgh around that time?

Which leads me on to my question, it is on that Census that Margareta's occupation is given as "German Faney Worker". Unfortunately the actual census is not viewable so I can't see the original handwritten entry.

I'm guessing that Faney is actually Fancy so I'm wondering, what exactly is a fancy worker? and more specifically, what is a German fancy worker? Is it just a fancy worker who comes from Germany or does it refer to something specific?

Can anyone help me out?



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