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Topics - PrueM

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 ... 49
London & Middlesex Resources / Interactive map of London Bomb Census 1940-41
« on: Thursday 06 December 12 08:31 GMT (UK)  »

I've just come across this site - might be of interest to those of you with ancestors in London during the Blitz :)

Armed Forces / Uniform help please
« on: Wednesday 28 November 12 19:41 GMT (UK)  »
Hello experts :)

Your assistance is requested on the following topic:,625802.0.html

Thank you!

The Common Room / Baptism and burial on same day?
« on: Wednesday 14 November 12 11:17 GMT (UK)  »
Hi everyone,
Can anyone explain what the situation might have been whereby an infant would be christened and buried on the same day?

On 22 August 1736, Anne CLARINGBOLD (parents William and Jane) was both baptised and buried at Capel-le-ferne, Kent, according to Familysearch's records (both from batch #I03652-4; baptism also at C04411-8).

I am assuming that the child was alive when baptised, but is it likely that she then expired and a burial organised the same day?  I suppose if she expired in the church immediately after baptism, they could have taken advantage of a planned burial to bury her as well. 

It all seems a bit swift - I've never come across this situation before.  Has anyone else seen something similar?


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / ** ANOTHER UPDATE TO GUIDELINES **
« on: Saturday 03 November 12 19:33 GMT (UK)  »
Hello everyone,

I have added another point to our guidelines.  This one is for Restorers.,528438.0.html

If you believe you have not been thanked by the Owner in a timely fashion, notify the Moderator. Do not enter into an argument, either on the board or by PM, with the Owner.


Wales / Translate from Welsh to English, please
« on: Sunday 21 October 12 08:40 BST (UK)  »
Would anybody like to have a go at translating these ads from Baner ac Amserau Cymru 18 June 1862? I know they concern two private "schools" run by my 3xgreat-grandfather and his two daughters, and can get the general gist of the ads, but would like a proper translation.

I'd really appreciate it - my Welsh extends to "Ydych chi'n siarad Saesneg?" and not much further  ;D

Diolch yn fawr

Kent / Finding the origin of William CLARINGBO[U]LD
« on: Monday 17 September 12 22:59 BST (UK)  »
My 5xgreat-grandfather, William CLARINGBOULD, a harness maker/saddler, died in 1860 and was buried aged 99 (so born about 1761) in St Margaret's churchyard, Barking, Essex.  Prior to that he lived in Eastchurch (Sheppey) and Dymchurch, having been married in 1791 in Faversham.  The 1851 census shows his birthplace as "Capel" - in the absence of anything more obvious, I've assumed that this is Capel (  Do you think I've assumed correctly?

He certainly got around!

I haven't been able to find a good candidate for his baptism and was hoping someone with sharper eyes might be able to find something or suggest parishes that I could search in case he was from somewhere in the wider vicinity of Capel...I would appreciate your help!


Armed Forces / Help with Royal Marines uniform please
« on: Sunday 05 August 12 09:26 BST (UK)  »
Hello all,
Please can you cast your eye over this recently-obtained photo of OH's grandfather?  His name was Albert Thomas GOODE, b. 1904 in Enfield, Middx and a Royal Marine.  We have his service record and know that he rose through the ranks thusly:

1920-1923 Private
1923 - 1925 Marine
1925 - 1935 Corporal
1935 - 1939 Sergeant
1939 - 1941 Colour Sergeant
1941 - 1945 Quartermaster Sergeant

Judging by his apparent age in the photo (where he looks about mid 20s) I would have thought this was taken in the late 1920s - would this fit with his uniform and known rankings (if that's the correct term)?

Thank you


Scotland / Tracing my 18th century MCKAYs...
« on: Tuesday 31 July 12 12:49 BST (UK)  »
From the Logie Buchan (Aberdeenshire) parish register:

April the 10 1773
William MACKIE in our parish of Logie Buchan and Margerat Cruckshank in the parish of Foveran, being legally proclaimed in order to marriage, and no objection offered over accordingly married the twenty eight day of said month.

I have not been able to trace William MACKIE/MACKAY/MCKAY any further back than his marriage.  Of his four children, only two appear to have been baptised (both in Bellie, Moray) and no hints about William's parents are given on those baptisms (ie. no McKays were shown as witnesses).

William was buried at Bellie on 3 Oct 1830, aged 85 years (so born abt 1745).

Other family researchers have noted William's parents as Alexander MCKAY and Janet aka Katherine REID, who married in Inverness on 27 Jan 1736, but I am really wary of this, even though Alexander and Janet did have a son William born in 1748 (about the right time), as there is a BIG difference between Inverness and Logie Buchan that can't be explained.

Can anybody help me to find William McKay's parents, please?  Sorry I don't have much to go on.


London & Middlesex Resources / Interactive map of early modern London
« on: Tuesday 24 July 12 11:06 BST (UK)  »
I thought this looked interesting, and may help someone with their research  :)

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